Microsoft Outlook Temp Cleaner

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 23, 2009
Updated • Nov 29, 2012
Email, Microsoft Outlook

All versions of Microsoft Outlook use a temp folder for email attachments. This temp folder can grow in size and pose a security risk if others have access to the computer system. The Microsoft Outlook Temp Cleaner is a software program for the Windows operating system that can perform the following actions:

  • Open the Microsoft Outlook temp folder
  • Display the size of the folder
  • Delete all files in the folder

All of these actions can be initiated after installation of the application on supported Windows operating systems (which are Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 as well as Windows Server 2003, 2008 and 2008 R2).

The program supports several command line parameters as well which can be used to initiate actions directly. Supported are:

  • -clearfolder to delete all files located in the temp folder. This can be handy as you can integrate it in a log on or log off script so that the operation is executed automatically every time a user logs on or off.
  • -openfolder to open the folder
  • -foldersize to display the size of the Outlook temp folder

These can be used either with a startup shortcut or the Windows Task Scheduler to clean the Microsoft Outlook temp folder regularly without further user interaction.

Outlook Temp Cleaner is compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2010, Outlook 2000, Outlook 2002/XP, Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007. It requires the Microsoft .net Framework 2.0 to be installed on the computer system. The program can be downloaded from the developer's website.

Update: The Temp Cleaner for Microsoft Outlook has been updated, the new version is fully compatible with Outlook 2010 as well. The program has not been updated since 2009 which indicates that it may have been abandoned by its author. It is not clear if it is compatible with newer versions of Outlook like the recently released Outlook 2013.


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