Karen's Lan Monitor

Karen's Lan Monitor is a lightweight Windows application that can display various information about a computer system's network adapters and related information.
The application is divided into multiple tabs that display the collected information.
The default tab lists all available network adapters and their settings including the adapter's speed, type, physical address and about a dozen additional settings like DHCP and WinS status.
Other tabs of interest include the Connections tab that displays all open connections including remote IP addresses, local ports and the programs that are using that connection.
There is also an option to display UDP listeners, remote computer names and internal connections.
The Phonebook Entries tab lists all network entries created on the computer, for instance to connect to the Internet or a VPN. When you select an entry here, all information about the connection are displayed including phone number or hostname, protocols, and information about passwords and other bits of information.
The traffic tab displays traffic statistics of each network adapter in real-time including incoming and outgoing bytes, errors and load.
Note that you may need to switch network adapters to display the information here, as multiple are listed by Karen's LAN Monitor of which some may not be in use at all.
The information are updated in real-time and display the traffic generation -- outbound and inbound -- of the last 30 seconds, five minutes, one hour and since Windows started.
There is unfortunately no option to keep track of the stats after you shutdown Windows. This means that the data will reset automatically when that happens (or when you close Karen's LAN Monitor).
The four remaining tabs display detailed IP, TCP, UDP and ICMP stats. These are excellent for in depth information about the computer network but usually not that useful to most users unless issues need to be troubleshooted.
The information can be copied to the Windows clipboard or saved to disk in a text file. Users who are interested in an excellent lan monitor can find additional information and downloads at the website of the developer of the program.

Martin, Lan Monitor is similar to HoverIP but with more detail. I agree with “Tuna” that yours is what a tech blog should be, helping people and filling a need, not to mention all the nice gifts you give away with your generosity. You’re always #1 on my tech blog list.
Guys, thanks a lot for all the praise :)
Haha, I forgot all about Karen’s Registry Pruner & Snooper programs. Where has the time gone? I look forward to re-acquainting myself with Karenware again, great stuff! ***Replicator looks to be a simple solution without a complicated license monkey included. Hmmmmm, thanx Karen!
You all at gHacks, too. It seems rarely a day goes by without an interesting new tool/program/tweak appearing in your RSS feed that piques my interest or fills a need.
Thanx for all the good work!