Text Document Comparison Software TextDiff

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 14, 2009
Updated • Aug 14, 2009
Software, Windows, Windows software

microsoft windows Text document comparisons can be best done with software programs like TextDiff that support direct comparisons. It is also possible to compare the documents manually by aligning their windows next to each other. This would however mean to abandon the option to use comfortable text comparison features that specialized tools and modules offer. Several text editors come with the functionality to compare documents. TextDiff on the other hand is a portable software program for the Windows operating system that has been specifically designed for that purpose.

It can not only compare text documents but also folders. Text documents in this case means any document that can be loaded and displayed in a text editor like Notepad. Two documents can be loaded into the software program. These documents are then displayed in two panes in the interface where they can be compared with each other. The program will automatically display differences visually which makes it easy to spot differences in the documents.

Lines that have been added, deleted or modified will be displayed in their own distinct colors with the possibility to change these colors in the settings. The document comparison tool can be configured to ignore blanks and case differences as well. It is possible to edit the documents manually or by using the search and replace functionality in the top menu.

It is furthermore possible to split the documents vertically instead of horizontally which might make sense on computer systems with smaller computer monitors and lower resolutions. Several keyboard shortcuts are available to jump between differences in the documents. TextDiff is a handy portable document comparison software program.


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  1. Gerardo said on August 27, 2009 at 3:16 am

    Looks like a copy of winmerge which is free

  2. Jeremy said on August 15, 2009 at 6:18 pm

    I prefer this alternative ExamDiff ~ freeware


  3. Don F. said on August 14, 2009 at 11:23 pm

    I found this program incorporated with PHP Designer by mpsoftware.dk .

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