Hard Drive Profiler

Martin Brinkmann
Aug 13, 2009
Updated • Aug 13, 2009
Software, Windows, Windows software

microsoft windows There is no easy way of keeping a manual overview of file and folder changes on a particular hard drive. Several types of changes would have to be monitored including deletion, creation and modifications of files and folders on the hard drive.

The HDD Profiler provides a semi-automated way of monitoring a specific hard drive or folder for these changes. The portable software program creates snapshots of selected folders. These snapshots can then be loaded into the software program at a later time to compare them with the current state of the hard drive or folder. The Hard Drive Profiler will then display the changes that have been made in the meantime (that is the time between the initial snapshot and comparison) in various tabs that provide an excellent overview.

The computer program will for instance notice new and deleted folders and files or modified file names and files. It will basically catch any modification in the monitored folders or hard drives and report them in its interface. The changes that have been noticed can be saved in a log file so that they can be accessed at a later time in the application. The format can also be opened in text editors.

The interface is divided into various tabs including removed files, modified files or accessed files that make it easier to spot specific modifications. HDD Profiler can be downloaded from the developer's website. The program is compatible with Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 9x and Windows ME according to the homepage. It is likely that it will work under Windows Vista or Windows 7 as well.


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