Network Monitoring Software Networx 5 Released

Our review of Networx 4 dates back to October of last year (see Network Monitoring Software NetWorx). The developer of the network monitoring software was busy between then and now and released regular updates to the monitoring software.
Yesterday version 5 of Networx was released and the version bump gave us the excuse to take another look at the software program.
Update: Time has passed, and Networx 6 has been released on January 1, 2017. Sad news however, as the program has been turned into a commercial application. You need a license now to use it. End
Networx 5
Networx offers several network and bandwidth related tools in its interface. It will place an icon in the Windows system tray after download that will open a bandwidth monitor on left-click and the context menu with all the available modules on a right-click.
The bandwidth monitor displays useful information about the bandwidth consumption of the computer system including daily, weekly and monthly reports, an overview of today's bandwidth consumption, custom bandwidth reports, dial up sessions and hourly rates.
Data can be exported and backed up among other things. The module gives the system administrator a quick overview of the bandwidth consumption of the computer system.
Networx offers additional modules that assist in the network monitoring process. This includes a speed-meter which can measure the network's (or network devices) throughput. The tool is basically a speed test that monitors the current network traffic and display the current, average and maximum transfer rates.
It is furthermore possible to setup bandwidth quotas, and trigger alerts if 80% of that quota has been used. It is also possible to configure the quota to only cover upload or download bandwidth, and set it to be a daily, weekly or monthly quota.
Ping, traceroute and netstat commands are available from the context menu of the network monitoring software as well. The options are quite extensive and allow the user to select an individual networking adapter to be monitored, configure notifications or define on and off peak hours.
So what is new in Networx 5?
The following list is not complete, and contains only some of the important changes in the new version:
- Option to backup and restore usage stats.
- Sorting of reports.
- Show graph in the system tray.
- Support for multiple users on same machine added.
- Per-user and combined usage reporting added.
- Portable version created.
- Tunnel and firewire interfaces are ignored when monitoring all interfaces.
- Report improvements, e.g. monthly, weekly and daily reports included grand total now.
Closing Words
Networx might not be the most sophisticated network monitoring software but it proves to be a nice solution for single computer systems.

I usually use ProteMac Meter. It monitors and records all Internet and network activity.
I used to play with Hyena ( and Dameware ( for that job.
Thanks for the info.
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