Microsoft Outlook 2007 Essentials

Martin Brinkmann
May 26, 2009
Updated • Jun 23, 2017
Email, Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook 2007 essentials is an add-on for Microsoft's email client that adds three distinct features to it: two remind you about attachments and subject, the last one provides you with the means to print a selection of an email.

The Microsoft Outlook 2007 add-on requires the .net Framework 3.5 which has to be installed on the computer system before the add-on can be installed.

Two of the features added by the Outlook add-on are reminders that check each email message when the user clicks the send button in the email program.

The first reminder checks if a subject line has been added to the email. If that is not the case it will display a small popup window notifying the user of the missing subject line. The user then has the option to cancel sending the email to go back into editing mode and add a subject line, or send the email anyway.

The second reminder looks for keywords in the email body that suggest that an attachment should have been added to the email message. If it finds a keyword like "attached" but no attachment, it will notify the user as well.

The final feature that is added by the Microsoft Outlook 2007 Essentials add-in is the option to print a selection of the email message. This is done by right-clicking an email, selecting Outlook Essentials Mail Viewer, selecting the part of the email that you want printed, and right-clicking again to print the selection.


The Microsoft Outlook add-in might be useful for some users who either want to be extra careful to never forget to add attachments and subject lines to their email messages or who want to have the option to print a selection of emails.

Update: The add-on for Microsoft Office 2007 is no longer available on the developer website. We have uploaded the latest release version to our own file server. Please note that we have done so for archiving purposes only, and that the add-on is compatible only with Outlook 2007 and not newer versions of the messaging software.

You can download the program with a click on the following link: (Download Removed)

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Outlook 2007 Essentials
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  1. WickedStepMom said on November 22, 2015 at 6:08 am

    I know this is 7 years from the original post but is there anyone out there that still has this Add On? I had it on my old PC and would love to have it now. The new PC still has the Windows 7 operating system and Outlook 2007. I loved the printing feature of this Add On.

  2. David said on May 31, 2009 at 7:18 pm

    They have a German Version now!

    German Version with option for Custom Words. Supports German umlauts & Eszett.


  3. Stefanie said on May 26, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    Hmm. The blank subject and lack of attachment features work great, but the feature I actually care about — printing just part of an email — doesn’t seem to work at all with .NET 3.5 SP1 and Outlook 2007 SP2. It just prints a different font than when I use the built-in print feature.

  4. Joe said on May 26, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    Cute but I would definitely not call any of these features “essential”

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