Hard Disk Serial Number Changer

Whenever a hard drive is formatted in Windows a serial number is assigned to it in the end.
This serial number is often used by software applications to restrict software installations to that hard drive, or to reduce the number of allowed activations by applications by linking the serial number of the hard drive to one of the allowed activations.
This should not be confused with the hardware serial number that gets added to a hard disk during the manufacturing process.
Hard Disk Serial Number Changer
The Hard Disk Serial Number Changer application can change the serial number that gets assigned when a hard drive is formatted in Windows.
This can be really useful if an existing hard drive has to be formatted but you do not want to lose any activations or software that is linked to the serial of the drive. It can also come in handy if a new hard drive is added to a computer system to replace an older one especially if software needs to be transferred or reinstalled on the new hard drive.
The software program is portable and can therefore be executed directly after you have finished the download. The program provides access to all drive letters of connected hard drives and floppy drives, and their assigned serial numbers.
A click in the Serial Number text field enables you to edit the existing serial which is always in the format XXXX-XXXXÂ to another valid number in the same format. Note that only hex values are allowed which means numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F.
Update: The program supports Fat, Fat32 and NTFS file systems only, and is fully compatible with all recent and not so recent Microsoft operating systems including Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Windows 8, while not mentioned on the program website, is compatible as well.
Please note that you may need to run the program with elevated privileges on Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows. To do that right-click the program in Windows Explorer and select the run as administrator option from the context menu.
It is recommended that you know what you are doing before you use the application. Changing the hard drive serial can have consequences in regards to the activation status of software installed on your system.
Update 2: The program homepage is no longer available. We have uploaded the latest release version of Hard Disk Serial Number Changer to our own server. Note that we don't support it in any way. You can download it with a click on the following link: (Download Removed)

zip folder is empty! help!
I changed the download path, it should work now. Please try again.
hi,i try this but its not working ,
it cant read my disk serial number,pleas help me to fix it.
It seems that only Volume serial ? Who used Getdiskserial DLL?
Using Hard Disk Serial Number Changer I receive error.Unable to write to this disk in drive. What should I do?
You must do it as administrator!
this same thing happend to me!
Volume serial only. Useless if application is using the physical hdd serial number like the hddphysic component from rlbyte dot com does.
It is volume serial numer, not disk freak
Good find. I’ve been using the sysinternals tool to do this (VolumeID.exe) but that tool is command line only. I prefer GUI.
Excellent timing! I just got the replacement HD for my laptop today. Thanks for this!
I’ve been a Certified PC tech for years and never new this existed.. This is really going help out everyone…
This is actually not a harddisk “serial number” changer, it only changes the VOLUME serial number.
I think that is made clear in the post. And the developer calls it hard disk serial number changer which is why the term is used in the article. But good point.
Good find Martin. I haven’t thought of a way I’ll use it yet but often the apps that save the day are the ones you added to the collection just cause you thought they were cool and you could.
As always, awesome work. Keep it up.
Cool! This would come in handy.
But who is “ghacksnews”? And why are they posting tinyurl’s?