Computer Repair Utility Kit
If you are the tech savvy user in your family and community you usually get lots of calls from desperate users who need computer help. The help that is needed can vary widely depending on the situation, from computer boot problems, hardware that is not working anymore, computer viruses or "how do I" questions. Most users who get those calls regularly have their own computer repair utility kit on a USB device or DVD that contains all the great tools that they use to analyze and repair computers.
The Computer Repair Utility Kit is a collection of 50 or so tools that cover a wide range of scenarios. It is great if you do not have your own tool collection at hand or like to use a complete tool collection without having to evaluate and compile the tools yourself.
The collection is completely portable and comes with a launcher application that can be used. All tools are divided into different categories like file management, information, network tools, repair tools or virus and malware removal tools. The collection includes high acclaimed programs like CCleaner, Rootkit Revealer, Hijack This, Recuva, Process Explorer, the Firefox web browser and Putty among other tools. It is basically the who is who of repair tools bundled into one compilation.
The tool kit has been compiled by the guys at Technibble and can be downloaded right from their website. It has a size of about 90 Megabytes. It does come with the option to add new applications to the launcher in case any of your favorite tools is missing from the compilation.
Great article, these are some great tools in this utility kit, just make sure you have the knowledge to use them to repair your computer.
I downloaded it long time back. Was quite useful..
has anybody got it, pls upload it somewhere
The Computer Repair Utility Kit is no longer being distributed. Some of the applications, while freeware, wanted the only download location of their software to be at the makers sites and I respect that. However, we may be re-releasing it soon after some changes.
Open it up, take off the HDD, and plug it to some other computer.
My pc’s motherboard is out of order. Hence, I bought a new pc with vista preloaded and now I want to copy the files from my old one. Ca anyone give some ideas?
Me, combofix is a stand alone malware remover which is fairly heavy duty stuff. Combofix will do many things including setting your clock back to military time regardless of where you got Combofix. Combofix should only be run by people who know what they are doing and if it doesnt work for you, dont use it. There are plenty of other malware removal tools in the kit.
there are plenty of such all-I-need-to-do-it-right, I think the most popular is
DL’d this….ran…combofix….didn’t find anything …rebooted….start menu all messed up….clock showing military time….now I am doing some online scans….cause the pc is just acting strange after running this….
Think its a waste of time….and risky…..trying to clean up after it….there are much better collections and tools you can use out there….I would pass on this one.
Great Collection. Now I need a CD that I can BOOT from and do a virus scan from.
Anyone know what or HOW to do this? I can make a bootable CD but I need a virus scanner that can
be ran from a DOS Bootable CD..
Nice share thanks Martin.
I’d also recommend UBCD4WIN as I prefer to clean an infected system from a LiveCD rather than from within the infected system itself.
I always have this kind of toolkit which i gather by myself, it consist all the tools i use for computer maintenance to virus hunting.
And glad if someone has another thing like that, i’ll look forward for adding it into my toolkit :D
Btw usually i pick application that independent from runtime and dll (and have 1 exe) such as CCleaner or Process Explorer and add it into my toolkit… even Winrar only need 2 files for it works as portable application :D
Great tip Martin. Look out when you (spy/virus) scan it your (spy/virus) scanner, wil give a false positive.
Thanx, useful. Says a lot that about those software when McAfee And Norton removal are essential. @Roman ShaRP, Share your list when you get the chance :)
I have my own, though I don’t update it oftenly and don’t keep as image.
May be one day I share my list for Ghacks, – it is ready, but in Russian, so have to be translated into English…
Perfect timing. I was just looking for something like this. Thanks!