Internet Explorer Sessions

Martin Brinkmann
Dec 2, 2008
Updated • Nov 20, 2017
Internet Explorer

Working on multiple computers, or on several days on a single computer, makes the use of sessions useful. The Internet Explorer Sessions extensions IE Sessions adds that capability to Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Note: Microsoft added session capabilities to newer versions of Internet Explorer. An add-on is no longer required for that. Windows users can set the behavior in the Internet Options under Startup. There they need to switch from "start with home page" to "start with tabs from last session".

It is always up to the software developer what sessions really consists of; in this case it means that all open urls and Internet Explorer windows will be saved with the ability to open them again at a later point in time.

Not included are the browsing history or session cookies which is a bit unfortunate as it could mean that you have to log in to several of the websites again if they require that. The extension becomes available in the Tools menu of Internet Explorer after installation where the sessions can be stored or loaded.

Internet Explorer Sessions

The Internet Explorer sessions are stored in the program directory by default. The extension provides the option to store them at the Amazon S3 Service instead which costs $0.150 per GB but has the advantage that the sessions are available online and can therefore be loaded from any computer with Internet connection.

Another option would be to send the session file per email or upload it manually to the Internet to access it from a second computer.

One interesting aspect of the session manager for Internet Explorer is the ability to manage the stored urls of each session. Single urls can be loaded in the browser. It is also possible to delete urls from the session.

IE Sessions supports Internet Explorer 6 or on Windows XP or Windows 2000. Windows Vista users should read the information posted on the website about Vista compatibility first before they install the extension.

The extension for Internet Explorer has not been updated in a while, and there are no information available on the homepage whether it is supporting newer versions of Windows and Internet Explorer as well. It may work but there is no guarantee that it does, so be careful when trying it out.

Update: Microsoft pulled the download from its website. There is virtually no need for it anymore, as all supported versions of Internet Explorer support session management by default now.

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