Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 29, 2008
Updated • Nov 20, 2017
Email, Microsoft Outlook

The Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in adds SMS sending functionality to Microsoft Outlook 2003 and Microsoft Outlook 2007.

Before you begin to rejoice thinking of all the money that you can save you should notice that the add-in only works with a cell phone connected to the computer system. That is a bit of a turn off for many users but it might still appeal to some who prefer to use a real keyboard when writing SMS.

The process of sending SMS in Microsoft Outlook has been designed to resemble that of sending emails in the email client. This means that SMS can be saved as drafts and printed as well as send out to the recipient. The sent items are extended by a SMS subfolder that contains all the SMS messages that have been sent using Microsoft Outlook.

The major advantage of the Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in is the use of a computer keyboard to type the message. Other factors include the ability to copy and paste text, the use of proof reading tools in Outlook and to lookup and resolve phone numbers to existing Microsoft Outlook contacts.

The Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in will be automatically available in its own toolbar after installation. It does have a few restrictions though, the most notable are that it can only send out normal SMS message, and that it cannot receive messages.

Update: Please note that the add-in can only be installed if you are running Outlook 2003 or 2007, it won't work when you run Outlook 2010 or 2013.

It needs to be noted that you can't use the Outlook add-in to receive SMS message, only to send them to recipients. While that's not a big issue per se, it means that you may have to juggle between your phone and Outlook at times to communicate with a contact.

Update: Microsoft removed the download from its website. The company added options to send SMS with Outlook in Outlook 2010.

Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in
Article Name
Microsoft Outlook SMS Add-in
Microsoft's Outlook SMS Add-in was the first option to send SMS using the company's Outlook messaging application.
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  1. Justin said on August 8, 2013 at 12:53 am

    Does anyone know if you can send multiple SMS’s using Contact Groups in Outlook?

  2. Ed said on March 14, 2013 at 10:39 pm

    I will not work for me. I have installed it, removed it and reinstalled it 3 times and I continue to get the “A required property is missing from the SMS form” error message. I have tried changing from text to UNICODE and instead of indicating my (connected to PC) phone number I indicated the modem (just out of desperation). Nothing works. BTW I run Win 7 Ultimate; Outlook 2007; and the phone is iPhone 4

  3. sge said on December 1, 2008 at 8:43 am

    We use a great tool called myDocs which is an add-in for Outlook, that lets us view SharePoint Document Libraries by clicking standard Outlook folders, and drag emails into these folders to upload into SharePoint.There is more information on this at or please email to [email protected] if you want more information.

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