Show The Song That You Are Playing In Yahoo Messenger

I was not very pleased with the guys who decided to publish the songs that they were listening to in public IRC channels back in the days when I was using IRC daily. It always had a spammy feeling to it and I used to add those users quickly to my ignore list so that I would not see what music they were listening to.
There might be a use for it though especially if you are among friends in a private channel. Y!Status Revolution brings that to Yahoo Messenger though. Users can select a custom status that includes information like song names and length among others. (A total of seven parameters are available to chose from)
Winamp and AIMP are currently supported to deliver those information and Y!Status Revolution acts as a proxy that changes the status message as soon as a new song begins to play.
There is no information available about supported operating systems or Yahoo Messenger versions. It runs fine on my English Windows XP Service Pack 3 system.