Bitcomet Lite

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 17, 2008
Updated • Dec 2, 2012
File Sharing, Software

Explaining Bittorrent to users with little technical understanding can be a time consuming task. You might be up for it if friends or family members are concerned, but what if you distribute your content via Bittorrent to thousands of strangers who want to download the content but have no clue what Bittorrent is or does? How about a simple application that uses the Bittorrent protocol to download a single file that requires zero configuration on client side?

Bitcomet Lite is that application. It basically offers a way to create an executable that downloads one torrent from the Bittorrent network. That torrent is hard coded into the application which means that only the attached files can be downloaded. The application on the client side basically consists of a progress bar and download button that has to be pressed to start the download. That's it.

The seeder, or creator of the file has to compile the executable which is more or less an automatic process. A torrent file and some other data has to be specified and Bitcomet Lite will automatically create the executable which can be tested immediately and then distributed on a website or network.

The download can be interrupted anytime and the user has the option to save the part that was downloaded so far, or remove the partial download from the system. Bitcomet Lite provides distributors with an interesting alternative to Torrent downloads by providing executables that download the files over the same network. It's a little bit inflexible but great for files that do not change over time.

The BitComet Lite Maker is available on the Bitcomet developer site. If you plan to distribute files via the torrent downloader, you need to download the file and run it to create your single executable file that you can use for the purpose. A demo client executable is also available if you would like to check out the client interface first.


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  1. YK said on April 17, 2008 at 11:04 pm

    That’s sooo intersting, I think it might be a way to bring the usefulness of the great bittorrent protocol to all users. Currently the only reason publishers avoid bittorrent method is because of the clueless users who aren’t ready to download and install something in order to download another thing.

  2. Roman ShaRP said on April 17, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    Hmmm… I think, uTorrent is pretty easy and similar to download manager.

    But such way is interesting, I agree. :)

  3. Angelo R said on April 17, 2008 at 8:20 pm

    This is actually very useful. I’ve stumbled across a lot of files that I need to mass send, and it’s only the fact that end-users can’t work torrents that stops me from going that route. Perhaps now I can move further in that direction, although I much prefer muTorrent to BitComet

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