Limit Upload and Download Bandwidth

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 22, 2008
Updated • Dec 2, 2012
File Sharing, Software

Several applications that connect to the Internet have options to limit the upload and download bandwidth. This is excellent if you need bandwidth for other tasks as well, for instance if you want to watch Internet TV while downloading from P2P networks. But what can you do if an application that connects to the Internet does not have such an option, if it regularly uses all of your bandwidth and slows down other applications because of it ?

Take all those TV streaming clients based on P2P technology or software updates for applications like World of Warcraft. They do not offer an option to limit the bandwidth.

Traffic Shaper XP [rediscovered at Raymond.CC] comes to the rescue. Users can restrict the upload and download bandwidth of certain ports and protocols on their systems. That's right, it is not application based but that is not a huge problem normally unless you randomly select ports in your applications or use applications that do that by themselves.

The easiest way to add an rule in this application is to select one of the connections that are already in place. Just right-click the connection and select Create Matching Rule. Another option is to click on the Add Rules Wizard instead. The user can select the network adapter, if you want to limit the upload or download bandwidth, the protocol (tcp normally), if the rule should be valid for all computers or a specific IP and a port or port range.

The speed limit can be set to various standard values ranging from 0 to unlimited bytes per second. You normally find the port or port range in the options of the application that you use. It would be nice if Traffic Shapper XP would allow to set the upload and download bandwidth for a port in the same rule.

Update: The program does not work on newer versions of Windows. If you are using Vista or newer versions of Windows check out NetBalancer instead.


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  1. Amanda said on May 20, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    I use Mac OS X and ProteMac Meter for it. It records all internet and network activity.

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