Mac Emulation Made Easy: Best Free Options for Windows PC

Windows and Mac have their unique set of features to make them stand out from other operating systems. If you have a Windows PC and are looking to run MacOS on it, you will need Mac emulators. You can run these emulators on your Windows 10 or 11 computer.
Top Free Mac Emulators
VirtualBox is one of the top programs if you’re looking to create a virtual machine. You can use VirtualBox to run multiple operating systems and therefore is ideal to run MacOS on your Windows computer for free. All you need to do is download and install it. You then use it to create a virtual system with MacOS installed on it.
QEMU is an open-source free platform that lets you create a virtual machine. It is an emulator that allows users to install any operating system on any system. The emulator is frequently updated and is perfect if you’re looking to run Mac on a Windows computer.
Portable VirtualBox
Portable VirtualBox is one of the top emulators that allows users to run any OS of their choosing by using a USB. This way, users don’t have to install anything on their PC. The emulator automatically adjusts the settings for your system when you choose what operating system you want to run virtually.
Xen is a powerful virtual program and lets you run any program virtually. It can not only run Mac on Windows, but it can do just about anything. You need to install the program and create a virtual system. After that, you need to install MacOS manually.
GreenVBox is another easy-to-use emulator. It is ideal for beginners and is free to use on any system. You can run Mac on your Windows computer in a matter of minutes.
Choose the Right Emulator
Here you go - top free emulators to run Mac on your Windows computer. Make sure you pick the one as per your needs. Each of these emulators works seamlessly and allows you to run multiple operating systems on a single computer.
Emulators =/= Virtual Machines.
Another Shaun fail.
agree agree
Interesting article by the way. Thanks @Shaun.
I don’t think any of these are “emulators” – they are virtual machines, which is quite different.
And I would bet you’d need a licensed copy of MacOS to run it inside one of these VMs.
iOS “emulator” for Windows PC : iPadian