Cities: Skylines will bid us farewell on May 23rd with Hotels and Retreats

Cities: Skylines, the immensely popular city-building game, is wrapping up its incredible 8-year run with a final expansion and a series of content creator packs. Fans of the game have been eagerly anticipating this last hurrah, and it's now confirmed to release on May 23rd.
Publisher Paradox Interactive recently unveiled the final expansion for Cities: Skylines, called Hotels and Retreats. Developer Colossal Order announced this expansion would be the last for Cities: Skylines, after eight years of post-launch content, as it continues to work on a sequel set for release later this year.
Hotels and Retreats will allow players to build various hotels and tourist attractions in their cities, boosting their economy. This comes after eight years of post-launch content, as developer Colossal Order gears up for the sequel, which is set to release later this year.
Check out Cities: Skylines' last expansion trailer below.
What to expect from Hotels and Retreats?
The expansion will feature a range of hotel buildings, from hostels to luxurious resorts, which players can add to their cities on different budgets. Players will start with one-star hotels and unlock new options as their business grows.
To support the hotels, new structures such as parks, restaurants, playgrounds, and cafés will also be available. Matching hotels with good locations will be crucial, as different locations will attract different tourist groups. The expansion will feature five new maps, including three European-inspired maps, one tropical map, and one temperate map, giving players a range of options for their hotel locations.
Additional content creator packs
In addition to Hotels and Retreats, three content creator packs are also coming out, which include growable industrial buildings from various eras, Japanese railroad scenery, and growable buildings and props inspired by Brooklyn and Queens.
Two new radio stations
Furthermore, two new radio stations will be available, featuring two hours of piano music and '90s pop.

The legacy of Cities: Skylines
The game's legacy is truly impressive, as it filled the void left by the failure of SimCity when it came out in 2015. In the years since its release, it has become the go-to city builder game for many players.
However, the competition is fierce now, with many similar games on the market, but the reputation of the original game should give the sequel a solid foundation. We will see how well the Cities series' new game will compete with others.