Microsoft Threatens To Restrict Data From Rival AI Search Tools

It was just a matter of time when AI related problems will come to the surface. In this case, problems are Microsoft customers who take internet-search data from Bing search to feed their AI tools. It violates the terms of their agreement. So, let’s see what happened.
Violating The Terms Of The Contract
Rival search engines can use internet-search data from Bing search index but on specific terms and by signing a contract. In case of any misuse, Microsoft can restrict or even forbid BIng search index for rivals.
Two customers, probably thinking that Microsoft won’t notice such ‘’theft’’ have used Bing data to feed their AI tools. This is something that really violates the terms of their contract, which makes Microsoft legally justified to completely restrict data.
How did Microsoft react to this violation
Microsoft Corporation wasn’t happy with that, because they reached the media as soon as they figured out what’s happening. According to Bloomberg media, Microsoft is really serious about its threat, and even considering total license termination with rivals.
Other reasons why they’re so furious is that they're falling behind in these AI-tools. Microsoft upgraded the Bing search engine with AI-tools last month, while Google did it earlier. Yusuf Mehdi, the Microsoft executive, said that their AI-search tool would be even more powerful in Microsoft Edge than Google ChatGPT in Google browser.
Microsoft And Its Rivals
There's a saying which says that it’s healthy to have rivals. This constant rivalry is healthy because it makes you not behave like a sloth, always lazy and thinking there’s no space for improvement. However, improving while stealing from your rivals, isn’t a key to success, but rather a downgrade.
I hope that Microsoft will settle this misuse with its customers, and that there won’t be any more similar issues. Microsoft could have revealed the name of the customers, but it rather gave us and them the warning that it’s better to watch out for our actions if we don’t want to make them angry.
Its time Microsoft gets an antirust.
Sooner or later Microsoft will stop “re-selling” Bing because Bing AI is starting to become relevant and a real Google competitor. All “re-sellers” of Bing who advertise themselves as privacy search engines and use Bing will have to invest money to make their own search engines. Their party will end and will have to spend a lot of money to create search engines of worth. Good luck with that without user data monetization.
Boohoo! All search engines used to do their own aggregation, not the end of the world if they have to go back to doing that, is it, now?