Microsoft’s mobile strategy will rely on upcoming regulations against Google and Apple

Mar 20, 2023
Games, Microsoft

As you may know already, Google and Apple have had a stranglehold on the mobile app and gaming industries. While you can obtain apps from other locations, they aren’t as popular as these two stores that have specific regulations in place that prohibit you from accessing some of them elsewhere. Well, they make it really challenging, at least. However, Microsoft is counting on an upcoming act by the EU’s Digital Market Act (DMA) to become a competitor.

rosoft banks on regulations to build a mobile games

Microsoft expects the DMA to put new regulations in place within the next year. That means Google and Apple may have to open their stores to allow third parties to add links to their own app stores or other places to download files.

It’s hoping this new act will open the doorway for Microsoft games to appear in both app stores.

When Phil Spencer spoke to the Financial Times, he indicated dreams of landing popular Xbox games in its own mobile apps store. That means you may be able to play Fortnite via Microsoft’s store after it was removed from Apple’s. Phil also wants to transform many of its titles into mobile legends.

rosoft banks on regulations to build a mobile games

It’s fascinating that Microsoft has something to say about Google and Apple’s hold on the mobile market. I mean, it’s currently trying to buy Activision Blizzard, and the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is already looking into this deal to make sure the company isn’t creating too much of a monopoly on gaming. Hopefully, we’ll have an outcome of that investigation soon.



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