Opera GX Gaming Browser coming soon

Opera GX Gaming Browser is an upcoming web browser by Opera Software that the company unveiled some days ago.
The web browser has not been released yet but a page on the Opera website reveals its existence and highlights that it is coming soon.
The first browser built for your gaming setup is coming soon.
Sign up now to get notified the very moment early access becomes available.
Interested users may submit their email address to receive a notification when the first version of the web browser is released by Opera Software.
Opera Software reveals little about the new browser. Th interface resembles that of the Opera web browser to some degree only. It features the side panel and uses the same main toolbar layout with its squared tabs.
The side panel icons link to Extensions, History, and Settings. There is a new icon attached to the side panel that looks like a speed indicator found in benchmarks and tweaking applications.
The main toolbar lists a gamepad icon next to that. You can change the color of the interface using a slider on the Opera website; whether that is an indicator of functionality or not is unclear due to the lack of information.
Opera GX will certainly be based on Chromium code; all regular versions of the Opera browser are, and Opera Software knows the ins and outs of the browser well.
Opera Software might implement all sorts of optimizations in the browser to improve the gaming experience; these may range from the removal of features that impact CPU or memory, to speed and memory tweaks.
Gaming could also mean that Opera GX features new design options, as these are quite popular in certain gaming communities. Vivaldi launched a new version with Razer Chroma support recently, could Opera Software plan something similar?
Closing Words
Is a gaming browser really necessary? It is impossible to answer the question right now as we don't know enough about Opera GX to come to a conclusion. The answer could be yes if Opera Software manages to optimize it in a way that users notice the difference.
Now You: What do you think about Opera GX?

I use Opera less and less these days, as Vivaldi gains ground in features and polish. This move is just plain stupid. Focus on your main browser, which at this point only has the myflow feature as a selling point, and for most people, that’s just a gimmick (not for me though, super handy). Now everybody else has native PiP video support. The default zoom controls are sucky and can’t be seen without fiddling with menus or extensions, nvm the extension pool being very limited.
Gaming motherboard, gaming mouse, gaming keyboard, gaming monitor, gaming router, gaming desk, gaming chair… What’s next? What else could they possibly slap the term ‘gaming’ on? Wait. Say what? A gaming browser? That’s a thing? Wow. I’d never see this coming. Seriously.
Gaming PSU:
Fake RGB ram:
Gaming chair with a fresh breeze over butt and balls:
Gaming RGB PSU cables:
Gaming energy drinks:
Gaming RGB SSD:
Gaming RGB fan:
Gaming headphone stand:
Gaming micro USB charging cable:
Gaming RGB mouse pad:
Join us, you won’t regret it.
Sincerely yours,
The gaming people
Gaming NIC.
Gaming toilet.
A… gaming computer! – Just imagine: a desktop computer built & adapted for gaming. Consoles would become obsolete.
Once Opera was purchased by the Chinese investment group I lost interest in Opera. But beyond that who really needs a gaming browser? I mean all browsers have hardware acceleration so what’s the point? Web based games don’t exactly need anything beyond that. Sounds very gimmicky to me.
> John IL: “Once Opera was purchased by the Chinese investment group”
I think that’s precisely why Opera is planning a gaming browser.
There was once when I puzzled over some gaming telemetry statistics (related to hardware specs) published in a Ghacks article (can’t recall which one). And a commenter kindly pointed out the overwhelming majority of players of the top 10 games at any one point are from China — which I hadn’t realized before.
So China alone is a really huge (& lucrative) gaming market numbering in the double millions. Or perhaps even triple-digit millions, since China’s population numbers more than 1.4 billion now. And the saying is that many of them are “China-rich” — ie. much much richer than the ordinary “crazy-rich”.
Maybe that’s why Opera GX’s promo page is red-hued with red hyperlinks — very different from the regular Opera’s (or any other browser’s) nondescript white webpages. The Chinese regard red as an auspicious & prosperous colour.
In the name of all gaming people, we disagree. We already have stuff like gaming power supplies, gaming cables, gaming fake RGB ram, gaming apparel, gaming chairs with integrated testicle cooling and gaming bottled water, what we don’t is a web browser! Imagine how fast we could watch our beloved 360 no scope Fortnite videos…56k would feel like 1Gbps fiber!
Gaming all the way! Over ‘n’ out.
> Heat Seeking Moisture Missile: “gaming chairs with integrated testicle cooling”
Haha … On a serious note, since many ardent gamers don’t seem to have time for anything else, perhaps there would be a commercial demand for gaming nutrition feeder, gaming bodily waste manager, gaming REM sleeper, gaming electro-ejaculator (which can be combined with that testicle-cooling gaming chair), gaming hotspot orgasmer (if gamer has no testicles or prostate), gaming study-for-exams-on-behalf, gaming go-to-work-on-behalf, gaming talk-to-real life human-on-behalf, gaming live-life-on-behalf …
Actually, I would appreciate having some of the above (especially a REM sleeper), even though I merely play games on an irregular & casual basis.
And who knows, maybe the Opera GX gaming browser would conquer the gaming accessories market by being an all-in-one that can do all of the above & more … including a gaming operetta singer. Surely gamers feel the need to sing once in a while ? :)
Easter egg if you press the close button on the image a couple of times. ;)
What’s with all the toolbars? Do you miss IE6 or something? Just because my screen is wider horizontally than it is vertically, it doesn’t mean I want to clutter it with your sidebar shit. And how about some stylistic coherence here and there? Some icons in color, some filled, some linear. Not to mention the two separators with different opacity. Wasn’t there a redesign a little while back meant to make the browser look a little better? Well, it didn’t work. This is really bad.
Nice! I hope they’ll implement RGB UI that flashes at 144Hz or at least a breathing effect. Games have like 5001% more fps and 43.198589% less lag when those features are present.
Maybe a browser optimized for Browser Games written in HTML5?
Taht may be part of the picture, but I guess primarily they want to offer a new browser for gamers, so users can have a browser open while gaming without affecting performance too much, and also have design tweaks that make it attractive for gamers, for example color in line with keyboard color schemes, lights in pc cases, etc.