Revo Uninstaller Free 2.0.1 removes ad panel

Revo Uninstaller Free 2.0.1 is an update for the free program remover that gets rid of the advertisement panel that VSRevo Group introduced in version 2.0 of the application.
Revo Uninstaller 2.0 was the first update of the popular software uninstaller in three years. It introduced full support for 64-bit applications, a much requested feature as lack of it limited the program's use on PCs running 64-bit versions of the Windows operating system.
The new version improved the tools integrated in the application, changed the user interface, and added new features such as a details pane to it.
Another change introduced in Revo Uninstaller 2.0 was an ad panel that popped up on every third launch of the program.
It advertised Revo Uninstaller Pro, the commercial version of the program. While you could close the panel whenever it popped up, it would appear again on the third launch of the program.
Revo Uninstaller Free 2.0.1
Revo Uninstaller 2.0.1 does away with the ad panel. That's without doubt a good thing as it improves the user experience quite a bit.
While you won't get the ad for Revo Uninstaller Pro pop up in the interface anymore, you may notice that the company has added new promotions to the interface that advertise the pro version.
If you look at the interface of version 2.0.1 of the program, you will notice two locations that advertise the Pro version.
First through an "upgrade to Pro" button in the main icon toolbar at the top, and then as a text link in the status bar that reads "upgrade to Revo Uninstaller Pro".
Both options are less intrusive than the ad panel that the company used in version 2.0 of the application. Additionally, both can be ignored easily.
You may hide the main toolbar if you don't require it at all. Simply right-click on the toolbar and select "main toolbar" to hide it in the interface.
You can bring it back at a later point in time by right-clicking on the status bar and selecting main toolbar again.
The only other changes in Revo Uninstaller Free 2.0.1 are minor in comparison. According to the changelog, language files were updated and minor bugs fixed.
Now Read: Which program is the most thorough program uninstaller on Windows?

The 2.0.1 revision removes the ability to put the install where you want it. I’ll be staying with the earlier version until that choice is put back.
Good to know, thanks for the info.
Where is the mandatory install folder located? If in ‘ProgramData’ then I’d avoid it (some apps force that non-install folder for their install!), but if in regular ‘Program Files’ (64-BIT) or in ‘Program Files (x86)’ (32-BIT) then not an issue, IMO.
For what reason do you need an uninstaller-tool?
‘leftovers’ in the registry is nothing to worry about because Windows use only the entries that has a function. Therefore you can’t really put garbage in the registry and make your system slower over time because leftovers are ignored!
Same for file leftovers, but if they are large in space you can delete them in C:\program files\ and that’s it.
Some tools are unnecessary and every ‘uninstaller’ tool is for sure.
Basically I have to agree with you. From there on I guess it all gets to the user’s personality, fond or concision and order of the computer or not, like in a flat perhaps. Personally I dislike remnants of removed applications on my computer, be it in the registry or as files. But I agree, unless for disk space and considering the remnants are huge, there’s no point in chasing the last dust for the sake of optimization :)
Note : I’m more zealous with the computer than with my flat (lol).
Total Uninstall
When I tried Revo Uninstall Pro on trial I liked it so well I bought it, and am glad I did. It’s currently at version . I can’t give total comments to justify my purchase as I haven’t yet used all its features, but I’m quite pleased so far.
Tom, I do not want to make this sound like a beat-up on Revo, but…
Forced Uninstall does not work very well at all. After Revo has it’s shot I use RegEditScanner and there is always a lot of stuff left behind with the same names of the uninstalled programs. So, I don’t bothe rwith that.
Quick Multiple sounds good but you still have to sit there and click the buttons for each program in the list. When I tried it I expected to be able to start it then come back in ten minutes and the stuff would all be gone.
Real-Time: Windows defender does that.
Logs database: Surprise me, how would it know what to uninstall if it didn’t log installs. :)
Backup: My Backup does that, and way better by offering all manner of filtering.
I still say they are mostly fluff, while not disputing they are real and useful. Just not stuff that I use as they do not go into the depth I expect form programs like Backup and Registry scanning etc. Revo is excellent at uninstalling!
>> Or is the comparison chart nonsense?
Please do not talk down to me, it only undermines your credibility.
Stay calm. My final comment within this thread. :)
@Rotten, remains the “Extended scanning for leftovers – more advanced scanning algorithms” which alone, if true, seems a valid point for the pro version. But I understand your experience, comparing both free and pro and considering that what you rely the most on is all in the free version, not to mention that you had upgraded to the Pro for the sole reason of the 64-BIT availability, as I understood it.
When I asked if the comparison chart was nonsense I meant no sarcasm, I was truly wondering if that chart was misleading, which you seem to confirm. As for my credibility I wait no voice to evaluate it, not even yours.
Have a nice week, Mondays don’t last :)
As a long time user of Pro, (two seats) I am a little miffed at the level of competence of the free version. For all I use Pro for, I could be using the new free one. I originally paid up because of the x64 support, but with free now supporting that, there seems little reason to pay for the basic functions of install-monitoring and uninstall cleanup.
I know that’s an unkind statement, but, Revo-guys, you have to give us payers something more than a little extra unused or rarely-used, fluff at the top end of functionality. One really neat thing is “Windows Tools” for finding out pretty much anything about your PC, {sigh} available in both grades. :(
@Klaas Vaak: No disrespect intended, but you don’t seem to understand the full abilities of Revo v CC. I have both and use CC daily, but it is nothing on what Revo is capable of. For sure, CC is best in it’s class but, so is Revo best in it’s class, but they are two quite different classes. :)
@Rotten Scoundrel, you write, “For all I use Pro for, I could be using the new free one”
I don’t understand. On ‘Revo Uninstaller’ dedicated page comparing the free version to the Pro version, hereafter all that is NOT available on the free version :
Forced Uninstall – remove remnants of already uninstalled programs
Quick\Multiple Uninstall – quick uninstall of one or few programs in a row
Extended scanning for leftovers – more advanced scanning algorithms
Real-Time monitoring of system changes – during install of programs
Logs Database – database integration of installation logs for better uninstall
Multi-level Backup system – including full Registry backup
Print and Export of installed programs – in TXT, HTML and MS Excel
Customizable and flexible User Interface
Visual themes support
Command line program uninstall support
You consider that as negligible? For instance, “Extended scanning for leftovers – more advanced scanning algorithms” seems to me a major lack in the free version! Or is the comparison chart nonsense?
You may well be right. My comments are based on my experience: I once tried Revo Pro & was impressed, but when the 30-day trial period ran out I was unimpressed with what was left over, or perhaps I should say I felt I was left with the same capabilities as CC. Now, with a new PC, I installed Revo Pro again & just ran out of trial time. I will uninstall it. You seem to suggest though that Revo Free is close to Revo Pro & therefore does the same deep dive as the pro version. Am I right?
‘Revo Uninstaller Pro’ is certainly one of the best in the category of application uninstallers but when I read on the developer’s site the differences between the free and pro versions I don’t believe the free version will be any better than the ‘Geek Uninstaller’ I use at this time. ‘Revo Uninstaller’ free as pro do offer a few other utilities besides the uninstall feature but I remember not using them when in the past I was running the free version (32-bit).
My feeling is that “the” product is the pro version and that the free version is more of an incentive to upgrade, it’s not the core product and my experience is that such policies (proposing a free version as breadcrumbs) generally correspond to a product of little value (one of those values indexed on the price…).
Why would anyone choose Revo Uninstaller Free over the iconic CCleaner? I can understand using the Revo Uninstaller app over CCleaner because it does its deep dive into the registry that probably goes further than CC. But from what I can tell RUF does not go further than CC.
They do not serve the same role. Revo does after-uninstall cleanups, what includes files and registry entries left behind by the software you uninstalled. What CCleaner does is a generic registry lookup, and while it might find some of the same entries as Revo U (missing references and pointers to deleted files and softwares), but it certainly won’t search for remnant files (which can go up to hundreds of megabytes if the built-in uninstaller is not designed to delete certain types of extensions or copy-paste libraries).
When you say “Revo” I assume you mean Revo Pro because everything you describe is based on a deep search which the vendor will not give away free. Or am I wrong? My question relates to Revo Free, your answer does not specify.
You can’t really blame them for advertising the pro version at the end of the day, we live in a world where developers cannot live on donation-ware open-source kudos. That said hats off to them for listening to their users and toning it down. Much respect :-)