Reddit TV: the best YouTube videos non-stop

If there is one thing that Google could improve on YouTube it is making it easier to discover new interesting videos on the site.
Sure, you get recommended videos when you search and a couple of categories that you can browse through but that is more or less all there is.
Reddit's community has shared videos on the site in various groups for a long time. There is the general /r/videos/ group for instance but also specialized groups like /r/music/, /r/classicalmusic or the rather obscure /r/deepintoyoutube/.
All have in common that Reddit users post new videos that they have discovered on YouTube in those groups.
It is already possible to play those videos on the site directly without visiting YouTube for that, but   Reddit TV takes that to the next level.
Think of a TV channel that plays YouTube videos non-stop based on the selected category. If you pick music for instance, you get an endless stream of new and classic music videos that Reddit users posted to the music group on the site.
The player advances automatically when a video ends so that you don't have to do anything if you don't want to.
Videos can be skipped easily by moving the mouse cursor over the auto advanced button to display a list of upcoming videos that you can load right away.
There is also a shuffle option, one to enable NSFW videos as well, and an option to change the sorting from hot to top today/week/month/year instead.
A total of 18 different channels are provided by default. Options are provided to add new channels to the selection list.
Reddit displays a list of channels of interest but gives you full control over the feature as well. You can add any subreddit to the list and add site channels as well.
A site channel includes all YouTube video postings related to the domain. For instance, you could add to watch all TED videos that got posted to Reddit.
The usual YouTube player controls are provided on the site. Use them to change the quality of videos playing, enable captions or watch the video stream in full screen instead if you prefer that.
Reddit TV is an interesting website that should appeal to Internet users who would like better video discovery options on YouTube or already hang out on one or some of Reddit's main video channels. (via Producthunt)
Now You: Have you tried What's your take on it?

Martin, All I get is “error loading channel”. I’ve been a member of reddit forever.
Strange, it works for me. I just tested it again. Are you using a blocker-type of extension or something that might interfere?