Cliffhanger: keep track of your favorite (US) TV Shows

If you have a couple of TV shows that you watch regularly, then you may have a difficult time making sure that you do not miss a single episode that airs on TV. You may be more lucky if the episodes are available on sites such as Hulu as well, as it provides you with enough flexibility to watch the show whenever you feel like it.
Sometimes, you may even want to know if episodes are still airing or if the current season of a show is at its end. This is especially true if you want to follow US TV shows but do not live in the United States.
Cliffhanger is a free application for Android that keeps track of TV shows for you. It concentrates on US shows only, making it unusable if you want to track local shows in another country. But if you are into US shows, you can take advantage of it to keep track of past, present and even future shows.
Cliffhanger opens up in Discovery mode. This mode displays popular TV shows to you, past and present, that you can subscribe to. Just tap on a show you are interested to display a small overlay menu. Here you get a short plot synopsis and the option to subscribe to it so that it is tracked from that moment on by the application.
Not all TV shows are listed here for obvious reasons. Use the plus icon on the top right to add shows by entering their name, or part of it, in the search form that opens up.
Tracked TV shows are displayed under upcoming and recent if they air right now. You get the short plot summary again, with options to display a bigger preview by tapping on the show's name on the screen. Here you also find the date, time and channel it is aired on.
The checkmark next to the show's title marks it as watched, while the plus icon on the lower right enables you to add it to your calendar on the phone.
You will get notifications as well by default when shows air which you can disable in the apps' options. The settings provide you with a couple of additional options.
You can switch from a 12h time format to a 24h format, change the time upcoming shows are displayed by the application, hide TV shows that you already have from the discovery menu, or enable a show countdown.
That is not all though as you can also tap on the Cliffhanger title on top to display a list of all shows that you follow right now. Each show is displayed with its name and the number of seasons. A tap on a show displays a tabbed page that provides you with information about the show.
Here you can again read the plot synopsis, browse the cast or every single episode that has aired in the past. What may be interesting here is that this does include specials that have aired.
If you watch a lot of TV you may find Cliffhanger extremely useful. One thing that it lacks in my opinion is information about streaming options. It would be really nice if you could get those information as well so that you get options to stream the show online, which is especially important if it does not air anymore.
The only other thing that I'd like is an option to display other TV shows by actors.
The application itself is easy to use and leaves little to be desired in terms of functionality otherwise. All in all a great application if you like to keep in the loop when it comes to your favorite TV shows.
Would have saved me some time lol…. For some reason my mind did not see that part about “REQUIRES ANDROID”
Last time I checked (an that was several years ago) I head some of these digital carousel channel hopping video crunching gui interfaces can even block commercials by timing the schedule using the DVD codes or whatever they’re called. I don’t have a TV guide here, but it’s like some number SE01E8456 and then you know that 5 minutes before it starts and then five after it starts they have commercial segments, then in the center, then at the end, etc. but the logic below the gui does the timing math, and record/copy the straight show commercial free.
Haha remember the commercial free radio? Every couple of minutes they break in and say, “this is radio station bla bla bla and commercial free” say man your constant interruptions with the music is the commercial. Ah but I have long since grown up and actually produced radio and video and know why they do of what they do
Hope that ad skipping logic has come along now…They had it pretty good back then. I wonder if it’s stuck around or got cut off in a fork somewhere.
Wont be trying this particular one cause I don’t have android (working on PirateBox and Mesh instead and my media center is a box streaming the Svideo and Audio out to an RF box to the OLD SD tv. IT has not failed me yet. SO I went and got TWICE the parts for everything. I give it a ten year life. Maybe fifteen if I blow the fans out once in awhile. The only thing that could change is I might just stop having internet all together and phone as well unless this spying crap stops.
I even have my eye in the BB 10 (a rocking piece of tech and code! Add a VPN Tunnel and yee haw,,, ), but again, the spying MUST STOP. I am stubborn, because I know too much, I know what I could do if I exploited the small amount of information I deal with. I also know what KIND of tech is out there, it doesn’t take me long to put two and two and know what they are doing. What would I do if I could copy all the data up? For the NSA, murder, blackmail, rape, theft, election fraud, financial transaction fraud, you name it; the NSA could get someone to carry a bomb by threatening them with their private data that you STOLE.. and then HIDE it all behind state secrets.
I don’t mean to be a downer but this is a downer, it MUST end.
Personally, I like SeriesGuide a lot better. It can track the international shows as well as check-in to Trakt and Getglue as well as notify you upcoming episodes and recommends shows based on what you follow.