Panda Cloud Antivirus 2.0 released

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 16, 2012
Updated • Jul 16, 2012
Antivirus, Software, Windows, Windows software

Panda Software has just released version 2.0 of their Panda Cloud Antivirus application. Both the free and pro version of the security application are available for download at the Panda Cloud Antivirus website. Users picking up the free version of the program should pay good attention to the installation dialog as the installer will install the Panda Toolbar and change the default search provider and default homepage otherwise (I'm not sure if the Pro installation dialog is different, so pay attention as well).

You can check out our initial product review of Panda Cloud Antivirus from 2009 for a basic understanding of the program, and how it differs from traditional antivirus solutions. The program basically has moved the virus database definitions to the cloud which simplifies the updating and allows Panda to use its  Collective Intelligence technology which takes  findings on all user systems into consideration when determining whether a process or file is malicious in nature.

The interface has changed quite a bit in comparison to the first version. It now highlights the protection status, a scan status, malware and recycle bin information, as well as information about processes on the system.

panda cloud antivirus free 2

The firewall has been integrated into the Pro version of the application in Panda Cloud Antivirus 2.0. All users benefit from an overall increase in performance and up to 50% faster scans, improved offline protection, compatibility with the Windows 8 operating system, a new cloud-based disinfection engine, a new behavioral analysis engine in the free edition, and a process monitor.

process information

All processes are identified and classified by Panda Cloud Antivirus with options to block processes right in the program interface. Here it is furthermore possible to enable the url monitoring to monitor all processes and the http Internet connections that they make.

Here is a comparison chart that details the differences between the free and pro edition of the product. The pro version includes all free version features plus the features listed below.

Panda Cloud Antivirus Free

  • Real-time Antivirus & Antispyware
  • Behavioural analysis protection
  • Process Monitor
  • Automatic & transparent upgrades
  • URL & web filtering
  • Translated into 20 languages

Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro

  • Community Firewall
  • Protection in public WiFi networks
  • Automatic USB vaccination
  • VIP support. Multilingual 24x7
  • Ad free

Closing Words

The new process manager is a great addition to the program as it is providing you with a one-click security assessment of all running processes on the computer. And if you enable url monitoring, you will also find out about the http connections that they make. Add to that the increase in performance, confirmation options before threats are neutralized, and the new behavioral analysis and you got a big improvement over the previous version.


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  1. jeric said on August 2, 2012 at 9:58 am

    sir, good day..
    i love to hear this with you ,that panda cloud antivi is a free anti virus .
    sir’, i direct to the point here >.<, can you send me a activation code for pro edition. thanks a lot . here's my email add. [email protected]

  2. o_0 said on July 17, 2012 at 7:08 pm

    OH MY PANDA !!

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