Remember To Call Notifies You Of Important Phone Calls

If you ever forgot to make an important phone call or be at home or office to receive one, you may appreciate the small portable program Remember To Call. The program acts as a basic reminder on your system that notifies you when it is time to make that one call that you have to make. The application has a few downsides to it, more about that later.
When you first start the program you will notice that you can configure one alarm in the application interface.
Here you can select the date and time that you want the alarm to notify you, and whether the alarm should notify you repeatedly or only once.
The program supports two types of notifications. You can select to have it open a file for you automatically at the time of the notification, display a custom text notification, or, and that is optional, play an alarm sound.
You may want to click on the test button to see if what you have configured is working the way it is intended. Especially the ability to load documents is interesting, as you could use the program to load an important spreadsheet or another file of importance automatically that you need to access during the call.
A click on Enable/Disable enables the alarm on the system. The program informs you if the selected settings are erroneous. This happens for instance if your selected notification date is in the past. You can then minimize the program to the system tray.
As mentioned earlier, the program has a few downsides to it. The biggest without doubt is the inability to configure multiple alarms. You can run the application multiple times for that but it is not the best solution if you ask me. Another related issue is that you cannot set alarms to repeat on specific days in the future. If you are making an important phone call every second Tuesday in the month, you may want the notification program to alarm every time automatically instead of having to configure it again to match the next upcoming date.
The excellent Alarm++ does that better but it is a commercial program. A basic alternative is College Alarm Clock.
You can download (Download Removed) directly from our servers. The developer web page is no longer available.