Relieve Stress With Destroy The Web For Firefox

We have all been in the situation where something on the Internet is not working as it should.
Maybe it is that captcha that you got wrong for the fifth time, the long comment that you wrote that would not post or that darn website that just won't open at all.
While some may be able to calm down by postponing the action, others may be in need for stress relief.
Instead of hammering your fists on your keyboard, hurting your computer mouse or kicking your PC tower, you may have found the right stress relief in the form of Destroy The Web for the Firefox web browser.
The Firefox extension can turn any website into an arcade game with the objective to destroy as many elements on the page as you can in 30 seconds time. This works best of course if the site that is causing you grief loaded fine as you can then destroy it using the add-on.
The add-on places an icon into the Firefox navigational toolbar after installation and restart of the browser. Users who do not display that toolbar in the browser or want the icon placed somewhere else need to customize the toolbar layout to do so.
A click on the icon starts the game on the active page. The first time you click the icon you have the option to load a page with instructions.
The mouse cursor turns into a cross hair, a left-click on the page tries to destroy the underlying element. If you hit an element you get points for that, if you miss you get negative points.
The goal now is to get as many points as possible in half a minute. The extension adds sound and visual effects to the experience which are quite nice for a browser add-on. The score is displayed once the time runs out. Here you see information about the different elements that you have destroyed in that time and the total score.
You can submit your score to an online highscore list or dismiss it. The website will return to its state once the game ends. An option to replay the game would be useful if 30 seconds is not enough to get your stress level down.
Firefox users can download and install Destroy the Web from the official Mozilla Firefox add-on repository.

I remember an old application with similar concepts for desktops, where you can cause damage to your desktop using various tools o’ destruction. :)
As most computer users (i.e. netizens) nowadays would spend more hours infront of their browsers than their desktops, then this should be fun for the web.
“Relief Stress?”
you mean “Relieve Stress?”
Thanks for pointing that out.
Yes it will be Relieve Stress