Windows 8 To Be Unveiled In September
I'm pretty excited about Windows 8, Microsoft's next operating system. That does not mean that I'm perfectly happy with Windows 7, the company's current operating system. Windows 7 is a great operating system that could be as successful as Windows XP, if it had the same amount of time at hand and a successor that bombed terribly.
From what I know currently, this will not be the case. Latest news tidbits indicate that Microsoft is making great development progress. The Redmond company plans to create first Windows 8 beta builds in this month, which would mark a big milestone in development of the operating system.
This gives Microsoft ample time to get the public beta version of Windows 8 right. Most experts believe that the company will release the public beta of Windows 8 during the build conference in September.
Mike over at Windows 8 News noticed that the Build homepage was recently updated with a revealing slogin: In 1995, Windows changed the PC. BUILD will show you that Windows 8 changes everything.
The two sentences give us two important pieces of information. First, Microsoft is going to show the operating system during the conference in all of its glory, and second, the company is likely to stick with Windows 8 as the operating system's name.
It is very likely, but not confirmed, that Microsoft will release the beta during or shortly after the conference to the public. This falls in line with recent news that Microsoft intends to reveal the Windows 8 release candidate during the 2012 CES conference in January, and the Windows 8 RTM in April of the same year.
It takes between two and three months from there before the operating system becomes available on the retail market which would indicate a mid-2012 release of the operating system. Microsoft could obviously delay the release to match the October release date of Windows 7.
Here is a summary of the next development steps:
- April 2011: First internal beta builds of Windows 8
- September 2011: Public Windows 8 Beta during Build
- January 2012: Windows 8 Release Candidate
- April 2012: Windows 8 RTM
- July 2012+: Public Retail release of Windows 8
Got anything to add? Let me know in the comments.
I’m not excited.
In my opinion, Vista was more like a beta of Windows 7. Windows Vista had so many drawbacks and after the initial release, the Microsoft team gathered the limitations of Vista, tweak it and enhance what’s wrong with the OS, made some minor changes and release the so called Windows 7. All I hope for now is that they don’t repeat the same history for Windows 8 just like how they did on Vista
Who was it that said “640KB ought to be enough”? Because as the case has been in the past couple of years, new Windows releases never seem to get enough of hardware. Diminishing are the days when investing in hardware meant getting to keep using the hardware with new operating systems release, at least in the case of Windows.
Thankfully alternatives abound that lets you keep your hardware for longer, while at the same time benefit from the latest operating system developments, in which some do not require new hardware specs.
I wouldn’t get too excited over new WIndows releases, because while hardware prices are getting cheaper, doesn’t mean that it should be routine to upgrade hardware when upgrading software.
If you look back at a decade of hardware evolution, you would consider desktops of nowadays supercomputers, in terms of computing power, from this perspective. While it is also arguable that software evolved faster than hardware, it shouldn’t be the case that lazy engineering (if it does exist) could affect computing performance. There is lazy (or rushed/rapid and what else out there) programming to blame for that.
I have used 7 a tad. I think it is mostly form over substance, and a is resource hog. If I had it I would turn off all the aesthetic bells & whistles in favor of best performance–and then, why do you need it?? XP Pro 32 works fine for me.
Windows 7 run very fast on my machines…from a single core atom to quad core core i7…you must run a dinosaur pc that’s why you still prefer xp than 7,,,
eins, apparently your definition of “very fast” differs from mine, but whatever our definitions are, one thing is for certain; it is slower than XP. Why? It’s not better in any way (stability, security). So again, why does it have to be more of a resource hog and what’s the point of using it if it doesn’t actually offer any improvements over its “outdated” predecessor?
You do not really believe that XP is more secure than 7?
I hope that they take there time to make Windows 8. 90% of the faults in Vista was born from the fact that it was rushed. Otherwise I can’t wait.
Was not Vista delayed, and when that became to obvious rushed?
Saying that Windows 7 is oh so great is just bull, I’m sorry. It’s just as great as Vista was, meaning it’s bloated, it’s got a very similar form-over-function interface that burns into your retina with all its vanilla whites, with every element taking much more screen space than necessary, and, contrary to popular belief, it’s actually less secure than XP 32 bit in the long run.
Windows 7 is already far too successful than it deserves to be. If more people got their facts straights and acknowledged this, maybe we wouldn’t be paying hundreds of dollars for what should basically come as a standard service pack every 2 years.
I like the operating system, but respect other opinions. Do you? I paid 79 Euro or something for my copy of Windows 7 Pro.