Create Wanted Posters With Poster Forge

Martin Brinkmann
Oct 18, 2010
Updated • Dec 8, 2012
Software, Windows software

Wanted posters play a role in many movies about the wild west, the time of the cowboys, Indians and gunfights. Today those wanted posters serve a different purpose, often created for the sheer fun of seeing someone's face when confronted with their wanted poster in the office, home or other location.

Photoshop savvy users can create wanted posters in no time, while lesser talented users may prefer a software to do all the hard work.

Poster Forge Standard is such a software. The free program offers to create three different types of posters with no programming or artistic skills at all.

Poster Forge is an easy-to-use poster generator. A motivational poster, a movie poster as well as a Old West "Wanted" poster can be created with its help in practically no time and totally for free! You can save your new posters and publish them on the Internet (myspace, livejournals, flickr, etc.). You can use a special built-in tool to print big-size posters and hang them on the wall.

Next to the wanted poster it is possible to create a movie and motivational poster. The way the poster is created is always the same.

The poster template is selected by clicking on one of the tabs in the header of the interface. Then, an image is loaded from the hard drive to replace the default image. This image can be moved around to fit the poster.

Then, text can be changed. This can differ depending on the selected poster. The wanted poster for instance consists of four text fields, the movie poster on the other hand of six.

The font and font color can be changed for every field separately by clicking on the font icon in the sidebar. Each change to the settings is reflected directly on the poster preview image.

The last step is to click on the save or print buttons to save the poster to the computer, or print it out directly on a connected printer.

The free version shows a powered by message in the lower right corner of the poster. The standard version can be used for all non-commercial purposes. A professional version is available for $9.95 that gets rid of the watermark and can be used commercially.

Poster Forge is compatible with most 32-bit and 64-bit editions of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Downloads are provided at the developer website over at Ronyasoft. (via)


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  1. Ritwick said on October 19, 2010 at 1:22 pm

    Thanks Martin. I’m going to have some fun with this. :>

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