Save Comments, Web Text Automatically With Firefox Textarea Cache

Martin Brinkmann
Sep 27, 2010
Updated • Feb 25, 2015
Firefox, Firefox add-ons

Not many things are more frustrating on the Internet than having to type a comment, blog post or forum post again because the browser or tab crashed or closed unexpectedly.

Some services save those textual information regularly or even completely so that they can be recovered after the crash while others do not offer such a service at all.

Textarea Cache for Firefox is an add-on that takes care of that problem once and for all. It saves text typed into Firefox regularly so that it can be recovered even if the tab or the browser crashes.

The add-on places an icon in the Firefox status bar when it saves text to the cache. The icon displays a new window with saved texts on left-click, and a context menu with options on right-click.

The last text that has been saved by the add-on is displayed by default, with a pulldown menu on top to open older texts.

Text can be easily copied by clicking on the copy and close button, or using the traditional Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C keyboard shortcuts or right-click and copy options.

Other options include removing the selected item from the saved text listing, and emptying the cache which removes all textual information that have been saved by the add-on.

Texts are all stored locally on the system and not remotely on some distant cloud server.

Some users may want to know which texts are saved automatically and which are not. The name of the extension hints at that, but only web developers and webmasters understand it. Textarea is basically any text field with multiple rows. That's not the most accurate description but it should do for the purpose of this review. A blog comment form, blog posting, forum posting or Twitter message will be saved automatically, while website addresses entered in the browser address bar or web searches will not.

Some users may want to prevent the saving of texts on specific sites. This is done by adding those sites to the exclusion list. The right-click context menu and the add-on's options provide that functionality.

save text comments
save text comments

Text entered in private browsing mode will be ignored by the add-on by default. This can be changed in the options as well.

Textarea Cache can be a lifesaver, especially for users who have experienced crashes in the past that resulted in losing text that had been entered previously in a web form. The add-on is compatible with all Firefox versions.

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  1. John Mack said on September 28, 2010 at 2:23 am

    Works well. Doesn’t slow down the browser noticeably either.

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