Stream Video With Opera Unite

The topic of streaming video to a friend's computer came up yesterday evening. Direct experience is often the base for excellent articles and this will hopefully make no exception. The first option that we tried was VLC Media Player which offers streaming but that did not work out that well somehow. Maybe it was because of router's blocking ports that were needed or our basic understanding of available streaming protocols. Maybe it was because it was simply to complicated to be a quick solution for streaming video to friends.
The Opera Unite application Stream Media seemed to offer a better solution, especially from a usability point of view.
It turned out that it worked much like previously reviewed Orb but without the need to run additional software (but Opera).
All that is needed to stream video contents is to have a portable or installed version of Opera at hand that supports Opera Unite (all the latest releases do).
Stream Media can then be installed by visiting the application's page at the Opera Unite website and clicking on the install application button. The registration of an Opera Unite account is required. The process is however very user friendly as it can be created directly after clicking the install application button and without verifications of any kind.
A single folder can be selected to be offered for video streaming. Stream Media supports many different media formats:
flv, mp3, swf, aif, aiff, aac, au, bmp, gsm, mov, mid, midi, mpg, mpeg, mp4, m4a, psd, qt, qtif, qif, qti, snd, tif, tiff, wav, 3g2, 3gp, ra, ram, rm, rpm, rv, smi, smil, asx, asf, avi, wma, wmv
All supported video and audio files are then available for streaming and download. The user who wants to access the media can open the url of the Opera Unite application in a web browser to access the contents. The administrator can change the visibility of the contents and add a password protection so that only trusted users can access the contents.
Stream Media is one of the easiest ways to stream video and audio files to friends and other users. It takes approximately two minutes to setup and there is no additional firewall or router configuration to be made to get it running properly.
Stream Media can be downloaded from the Opera Unite website.
Update: Opera Unite has been discontinued.