Portable Computer Software Collection Liberkey

Computer software packages that can be loaded on an usb device seem to become more common these days. Many experienced computer users maintain a collection of computer troubleshooting and recovery tools on a DVD or removable device which comes in very handy when a computer system needs troubleshooting. All that is needed is to take the external Flash drive or DVD with you all the time to use it to repair systems whenever the need arises.
Liberkey is another portable computer software collection that can also be installed on the computer system. It comes in three different editions. The basic, standard and ultimate editions offer access to 28, 106 and 202 computer software programs respectively that occupy 179, 410 or 575 Megabytes on the selected storage device. The application comes with a setup that will extract the contents to the desired location on the computer system.
The list of supported applications reads like a who is who of the most popular free computer software programs. Everything seems to be there from Firefox over AIMP to Notepad++, True Crypt and WinSCP.
Liberkey comes with its own application launcher which can be extended with software that the developers have not already included in the packages. Software can easily be added by a simple right-click in the program's interface. It is furthermore possible to remove and add categories and applications from the application launcher.
A left-click will attach a new window to the launcher that contains information about the computer program while a double-click will load the software right away.
Liberkey will automatically check for computer program updates which can then be downloaded to replace the old programs. A free account is required to make use of the auto-update feature though. Liberkey is an excellent portable software suite that shines because of its update feature and extensibility.
Update: The latest version of Liberkey ships with 292 different applications with the ultimate suite occupying 686 Megabyte on the storage device when installed on it.
winPenPack (http://www.winpenpack.com) is much better! All included applications are really portable and don’t leave any trace on the host computer.
@ TJ
For uninstall program go to LiberKey Tools, other tools…, LiberKey Uninstaller
Not bad but I think I’ll stick to UBCD4Win
This is really good package but the silly part is, even if you delete the packages that you don’t want from the list, it just deletes it from the list and not from your HDD. Agreed that they don’t take up much space, still I don’t want something lying on my HDD when I will never ever use it and there is no selection of such while installation of the program..
Thanks for the info. I started to use portable applications recently. So far I installed every little tool I need on any of the 4-5 Computers I use regularly. Having these tools on a stick wasn’t a solution, because I never found it, when I needed it. Now I started to combine portable applications with Dropbox (http://www.getdropbox.com). I already used Dropbox to make data available on all of my computers. Recently I thought about putting portable applications in a subfolder of My Dropbox. Now I have every application available on every pc copying it to this subfolder once. I published this in my German blog (http://ameyer.ch).
Using it for the past 3 months. Must say its very very useful.
Nice selection. Still they seem to repackage software for distribution and updates… And I had seen more than one bundle bashed out of existence for such.
Many developers are far from happy about re-using their apps in such way.
thank you for the good info.