Auto Delete

File deletion can be automated to a certain extend on computer systems. Take the cache of an Internet browser for example. It can be set to be automatically be deleted whenever the browser closes. Or the temporary files of a computer system. They too can be deleted during system shutdown.
Auto Delete by Dario Volaric is a similar tool for Windows that offers some of this functionality.
The main difference is that it will run at system startup or when the user executes it manually. Another difference is that it will only delete files in the directory if they are older than the age specified by the user. The time frame ranges from 1 day to 1 year.
The user can include subfolders automatically, select if the files should be moved to the recycle bin, or if a status window should be shown during the deletion.
Auto Delete
The software program will automatically close after the job has ended. The main limitation of it is that it can only process one target folder. It is also unlikely that the software developer will update the program anytime soon because the last update dates back to 2005.
Do you know of a similar application that can delete files if they are older than x? Let us know in the comments.
Update: The program has not been updated in over six years, which may indicate that it is not working properly anymore with never versions of the Windows operating system. Interested users can try the free alternative Belvedere instead which can automatically deleted files older than a certain age, and a lot more. The program has last been updated in 2012 at the time of writing, which means that it is still in active development.
Update 2: The author's website is no longer available. We have uploaded the last release version of Auto Delete to our own download server for archiving purposes. Please note that we don't support the program in any way. You can download the program with a click on the following link: (Download Removed)

I “googlelise” a few days ago to find such a software, freeware if possible and finally found Delage32.
Horst pages are pure gold for admin/root…
As Tjoakim says, it’s CLI only but very powerful and easy to batch on workstations or servers…
NB : it can remove empty subdirectories too, wich is a good thing.
I also know of a similiar app:
Its basically an autohotkey script, but it has quite a lot of different options. I use it and it seems to work fine.
This might be usefeul if you run a torrent downloading machine at home and you have set it to load torrents automatically from a specific directory, where the loaded torrents do remain undeleted after addition to the download list (µtorrent can do this).
To delete the leftover files however, I just recently created a simble batch file with the command
del D:\torrent\!new\*.loaded /f /q
and set it to run at startup.
An that’s it, no additional software needed.
This doesn’t check the file age though.
I appreciate you’re not a native speaker, but “to a certain extinct”? That doesn’t make much sense… ;)
DelAge32 by Horst Schaeffer
But it’s without gui, only command line…