Good Old Games Plans to Offer DRM-Free Classic Games
I’m not that much of a gamer these days. My game-playing skills are restricted to Solitaire and an occasional online game. But in the early 90s, games fascinated me. My introduction to gaming came with Prince of Persia, followed by Super Mario, Commander Keen, etc. So when I read about the Good Old Games site, I was a little bit intrigued.
The site has been set-up by European distributor CD Projekt, to make it possible for people to purchase games from the 80s and 90s, which includes many classics. Games will cost between $5.99 and $9.99. At this price, you will get games that play on both old and new computers, without any hardware issues. Another big plus: all games are totally DRM-free.
Considering newer games are terribly expensive, paying 5 bucks for a game is a great catch. You can purchase a game for almost the same price as a cup of coffee. Since it’s DRM-free, there’s no limit on how many computers you can install it on. GOG has already signed up with publishers like Codemasters and Interplay and I’m pretty sure more publishers and distributors are going to follow suit.
The site hasn’t yet started offering any games for purchase. If you are interested, a closed public beta will begin on 1st August, which you can sign up for. Otherwise, you can wait till the site is launched in September and then check it out.
I’m interested in how many of you would be willing to buy games from Also, what are your thoughts on sites offering DRM-free games? Would you prefer classic games over the over-priced games currently available? Let me know in the comments.
Update: Good Old Games, or short, has become a great gaming store, especially for users who are looking to purchase some of the old classic games for a cheap price. You get incredible games, from Gabriel Knight and the original Fallout series, over Baldurs Gate and the Broken Sword series to Dungeon Keeper, Syndicate or Panzer General. All games work with modern Windows operating systems and usually are sold for less than $10, some even as low as $3.99 or even lower.
GoG has a competitor now, it’s called DotEmu :
I’d have to agree with Rarst here: Although TIM3 is still as good as it was, I found an old Simulator Zoo-esque game (not the Microsoft one) a while back that I had played back in 95 (thought it was amazing at the time) and was disappointed to realise that actually, the graphics weren’t *that* great.
Still: I’d be interested in looking up some recommended/top games and trying them out :) It’s good that this project is coming out!
This is going to be epic, I can see myself using alot of money on GOG…. and that’s saying alot when the games go for 5 – 10 USD ;P
Old games are the best! I’m definitely going to add some of these games to my collection.
Classic games can’t really compare to today’s offerings. But for 5 bucks, I’m all for it. I can go without expensive coffee for a day ;).
I think that old DOS-games sites (and older console or Commodore-Atary ROM sites) can offer the same for free.
Or may be not the same, but I saw many great games on those sites.
It seems that infamous Underdogs still alive, for example :)
I would pay $5 for a classic DRM-free game. I haven’t looked at the site to see if we are talking about Windows ports (which likely won’t work on my Ubuntu system) or emulation (which likely would work on my Ubuntu system).
Classics are good as long as they stay in memory. Installing and trying to play very old game… usually sucks. :)
Thanks a lot Cheryl for the great news…really looking forward to!