Use The Computer To Fill Out Paper Forms
It looks much nicer and improves readability as well if a paper form is filled out by using a type writer or computer printer. The person who has to process the form will also thank you if you do it that way, as it can be quite difficult to decipher handwritten information on forms.
I once had to check and process thousands of paper forms that were sent by post and fax to my office, and it was sometimes horrendous to decipher the handwriting.
Nedjosoft Paperform is a free application that can be used to fill out paper forms with a computer. The document has to be available digitally so that it can be processed by the software, this can be achieved by scanning a paper using a connected scanner, or by downloading a digital version right away if one is provided.
The program works by loading all pages of the paper in its main interface. Pages are images with the jpg, png, bmp or gif file extension.Once loaded, you can switch to edit more to fill out the detected form fields on the page or make other additions to it using controls that the app provides you with.
Fields can be added to the image which can later be filled out by the user. There are two basic types of fields: text fields and check boxes.
Both fields are divided further. Text boxes can be single or multi-lined and aligned to the left, center or right while check boxes can have various forms as well. Each field can be placed exactly on the image so that they match the form fields perfectly.
Once all fields have been added to the image the digital form can be saved and filled out.
Update: The program is no longer available on the developer's websites. You can download the latest version from Cnet instead. Make sure you click on the "Direct Download Link" underneath the big green download link for a direct download of the program.
This program seemed a bit fiddly at first, but once the short learning curve is mastered works a treat. Start all fields from top of form, else it may try and set a new field in the middle of one already in existence and then you can’t do anything with it. If you use keyboard commands you can copy and past both to and from the fields. This is helpful, but not documented.
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thanks a lot for this post, it was helpfully.