RIAA is becoming desperate

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 8, 2008
Updated • May 21, 2018
File Sharing, Music and Video

In a move that can only be described as desperate, the RIAA, or better Cary Sherman, its President, suggested new filtering rules at the State of the Net Conference.  He suggested to bundle filters that check for copyrighted data with programs that would benefit the user; antivirus applications were mentioned specifically by him, and the idea was to use these bundles to bypass encryption issues and other issues the RIAA was facing currently.

He did not stop there though and suggested that any ISP should monitor, ehm, filter, the user as well through the likes of the modem for instance.

So, what he suggests is that anyone has to use filters on their computers to prevent copyrighted material from being listened to and traded. He knows that users would not want that kind of filtering on their computers but he thinks that they would accept it if the benefits would outweigh that disadvantage.

Basically he wants that anyone (ISPS, other companies) helps them control any user on earth so that they are blocked from unauthorized listening and spreading of copyrighted music. Here are some quotes taken directly from the video..

Filters can be put in the applications for example. You know, one could have a filter on the end user’s computer that would actually eliminate any benefit from…encryption because if you want to hear it, you’d have to decrypt it, and at that point the filter could work.

When people start moving to encryption and so on, they know that they are engaging in illegal conduct..

Filtering all Internet traffic is blowing things way out of proportion. It would cost a lot to establish such an infrastructure, and when in place, it is likely that it is awakening desires to use it for other monitoring activities as well.

It is unclear how the RIAA would convince other companies to integrate these filters into their programs.

Article Name
RIAA is becoming desperate
In a move that can only be described as desperate, the RIAA, or better Cary Sherman, its President, suggested new filtering rules at the State of the Net Conference.
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  1. MoonBloo said on February 24, 2008 at 9:30 pm

    I guess the next step will be a move to ban Open Source as “anti-business,” and in some countries, therefore a hindrance to the “war on terror.”

    They can get some celebrities to do PSAs emphasizing that people who use Open Source software are “helping the terrorists,” and from that, it will be just a hop-skip to have all authors, distributors, and then, users, of Open Source software put on the “list,” just to facilitate the process of indefinite detention without getting tied up in rejectionist court-related delays.

    Meanwhile, RIAA consultants can work with commercial software companies and legislators to develop enhanced monitoring features that will help Homeland Security and other law-enforcement agencies identify computer and internet users of interest, for example, trouble-makers who post comments that could be construed as anti-business and/or anti-regime, and therefore anti war on terror, which could, in turn, encourage Enemies of the country in question by giving the false impression that its people do not speak with One Voice of Unity and Unshakable Resolve to help business by imposing its will on those who oppose various policies of the country, all of which are dedicated to increasing revenues of that country’s key business interests, such as defense/correction-related industries, pharmaceuticals, and of course, producers of commercial software.

  2. Stefan said on February 8, 2008 at 9:46 pm


    oh my… things really do start getting ugly..

    Thank God I’m OpenSource ;)

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