Firefox Rise Up Video
You might have heard that Mozilla launched a new viral campaign in the fight against boredom and Internet Explorer's dominance (of course). The company produced a music video, several websites and it seems that the campaign is increasing in momentum and popularity with every passing day.
The Fight Against Boredom website lists statistics that compare Internet Explorer users to Firefox users. There is no quote on the source of the statistics though.
They all speak in favor of Firefox users which of course is only natural if you consider who published the video.
Interesting non the less. The following stats were published on the site at the time of writing:
* 14% less likely to have sleeping disorders
* 67% more likely to go mountain biking
* 40% less likely to be widowed
* 53% more likely to go hiking
* 60% more likely to drink microbrew beer
* 51% less likely to be an Accountant
* 26% more likely to have gone to a live concert
* 26% more likely to have seen live music
* 45% more likely to have gone on a date
* 36% more likely to play extreme sports
* 76% more likely to have watched a foreign film
* 21% more likely to have an espresso
* 14% more likely to enjoy power weightlifting
* 34% more likely to participate in snow sports
* 6% more likely to practice yoga
* 113% more likely to be a student
* 139% more likely to go rock climbing
* 17% more likely to be self-employed
* 16% less likely to have fungal infections
* 41% more likely to have watched a documentary
* 36% more likely to participate in extreme sports
* 69% more likely to be in the Arts & Entertainment industry
Update: The promo page is no longer available which leaves only the video above and the statistics that we have posted here in the article. We have removed the link as it does not make sense keeping it up anymore. is requiring name and password :) (01-09-2008, 16:45 GMT)
What a pity!