Firefox still on the rise in Europe

Martin Brinkmann
Jul 15, 2007
Updated • Dec 9, 2012

Firefox is still on the rise in Europe where it reached an impressive overall 27.8% market share in June 2007. Finland, Slovakia and Slovenia lead the pack with 45.4%, 40.4% and 47.9% market share while Great Britain, Spain and Italy still linger at the bottom with a market share below 20%.

Mozilla Firefox gained 3.4% market share over the course of the last four months in Europe and it does not seem that an end is in sight. The global level is also seeing an increase with Oceania still leading the field with a market share of 28.9%, North America with 18.7% and Asia with a disappointing 14.3%.

If the trend continues Firefox will most likely break the 30% barrier in Europe this year. The release of Firefox 3 could also drive even more users away from Internet Explorer who is still having the unfair advantage of being shipped with every Microsoft operating system.

41.21% of the users here at Ghacks are already using Firefox to visit my site with Internet Explorer still leading by about 10% and Opera in third place with 3.93%.

The situation has changed considerable with the release of Google's Chrome web browser who shook things up pretty good. Depending on which company's statistics you trust the most, you may see Internet Explorer still leading the field. Other companies may see Chrome in the lead while the Firefox web browser is usually listed in third place with a market share around 20% globally. While that is still pretty good considering that Mozilla does not have the same financial backing as Chrome and Internet Explorer have, it also indicates that Firefox's user base has taken a dip lately.

One of the reasons for that is certainly the rise of the Chrome browser which attracted users who wanted a fast browser with as little gimmicks as possible.


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