Throw Cans, Upload Video, Become Famous

Martin Brinkmann
Jun 13, 2007
Updated • Jul 21, 2013
Music and Video

It seems that you only need a crazy idea, record everything on video and upload it to YouTube to become famous. Five friends from France decided to record their (successful) attempts of throwing empty cans into trashbins and upload a video with their best scenes to YouTube.

They released two videos on YouTube. Their second one received more than 1.5 million views which is pretty impressive. I think one reason for the success of the two movies is that everyone can try what is shown in the videos individually as it is all about throwing trash into trashcans.  The videos are well done and enjoyable, have fun watching them.

A lot of copycats movies have been uploaded to YouTube after the initial release, maybe we will see a professional can throwing league one day?

I'm a little bit puzzled that no waste removal organization has yet hired the guys to promote proper waste removals. Think it would be ideal as they could reach the young crowd which may not yet have the same sense of responsibility that many adults have. I'm not saying that all adults throw trash into trashcans, no, there are certainly enough who do not care about the environment as well and simply throw their trash on the street or where ever they happen to be in at that moment in time.

Update: The second video has been removed from YouTube due to a copyright claim. The first however is still available and embedded above.

Update 2: The second video has also been removed due to a copyright claim. You find a best of video below that is considerable shorter than the two first videos but still highlights some of the throws.

Here is a second video that is equally as impressive. While it is not only about throwing cans it shows some throwing abilities as well that you may be interested in.


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  1. Tobey said on June 14, 2007 at 8:13 pm

    LOL nice find ambetanterik. Didn’t notice myself XD.

  2. gnome said on June 14, 2007 at 6:22 pm

    Hmmm… that’s definitely an idea…

  3. Martin said on June 14, 2007 at 10:49 am

    now who said that :P

  4. ambetanterik said on June 14, 2007 at 10:45 am

    1.500.000 million views

    that is a lot there ^^

  5. Tobey said on June 14, 2007 at 8:01 am


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