View and Edit information of songs with More Tunes
More Tunes monitors various music players such as iTunes, Winamp and Windows Media Player and fetches information like Artist, Album, Genre and Year about songs that are currently playing. The data that has been fetched can then be used to repair or edit the ID3 tags of the song and rename them as well.
It is furthermore possible to change all of the tags without fetching data from the Internet. More Tune locates album art as well for all of the songs and may locate lyrics and band biographies as well. Last but not least it offers a similar tunes option which seems to pull data from Amazon to display albums that other customers have bought besides the one mentioned.
What I really like about More Tunes is that it automatically pulls the information from the Internet and that it only takes a second to edit the ID3 tags of the song that is currently playing. It does not however work with my favorite music player XMPlayer but I could get it to work with iTunes.
Update: More Tunes is broken according to the author as the web service that the program used for retrieving the music information seems to have modified the way the information are provided. The author suggests to use the MusicBrainz service instead. The service maintains a big music database on the Internet as well as various mp3 tagging programs for Windows that you can use to properly tag your music collection.
Picard is for instance a highly recommended program available for Windows, Mac and Linux that you can use to parse your music collection and change tags quickly. The program uses an album approach which means that it is not optimal if your music collection is made up mostly of single mp3 files.
The MusicBrainz website lists other programs that you can make use of to properly tag your music collection, so make sure you check it out if Picard is not after your liking after all.
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