Game for the weekend Ray-Hound
Ray-Hound is a freeware arcade game with great graphics and interesting game play. You move your spaceship with the mouse and activate a gravity field with a left click on the mouse button.
The gravity field lasts for 1-2 seconds and becomes inactive for a short period afterwards. Other Spaceships fire rockets that destroy the energy shields of your spaceship, once the shields are down to zero your spaceship bursts and you see the game over screen.
The interesting part is that you do not shoot a other spaceships directly but use the gravity field of your spaceship to redirect the missiles and hit the enemies with their own deflected missiles.
The red missiles are missiles that other ships fire at you, while the blue missiles are those that you have already deflected and control. Note that you need to hold down the left mouse button to control the missiles. If you let go, you can no longer regain control and they will either hit an enemy ship or get out of reach.
Here is a video of the game that I found on YouTube. Note that it plays in an arena that you can't leave. As you will notice, levels pick up in pace and difficulty quickly which can quickly grow into situations where your shield energy is too low to deflect all the lasers that the enemy ships fire towards your ship.
You can capture enemy lasers by clicking the left mouse button. These lasers orbit your ship then until you release the left mouse button again. You can boost by moving the mouse button into a direction rapidly. A right-click pauses the game and F11 toggles between windowed and full screen game mode.
The game is timer based, which means that you stay alive as long as the timer in the upper right corner of the game screen does not reach zero. Time ticks down slowly and if you are hit, by ten extra seconds. Completing a level will add bonus time to the time available to complete the game.
Good gameplay mechanics and great Geometry Wars-styled visuals. Nice find!