Extended page not found extension for Firefox

Nov 29, 2006
Updated • May 19, 2013

If you are a regular on the Internet you have likely encountered one of those dreaded error pages before that inform you that a page or site that you wanted to access is not accessible temporarily or sometimes even permanently anymore.

Web browsers usually display an error message such as 404 not found or connection error when that is happening which tell you something that you already know: you cannot access the website.

There is a Firefox extension available that goes by the name of Errorzilla that has been designed to help you out in this situation. It displays a couple of options to you that you can try to access a site's contents even if it is not available at that point in time,.

  • The first option is the old refresh one, it's called “Retry this, which reloads the page to see if it suddenly appeared.
  • Then there are 3 option to view the webpage on other sites, there is “Google Cache which try's Google's cache to see if there is a cached version of the site available.
  • Then you have Coralize, which is another caching service of sorts.
  • Last but not least it links to the Wayback Machine which connects to websites occasionally to save a snapshot of them. The popularity of a website determines how often it is visited though.
  • And then there are 3 additional options: "Ping" which "pings" the site, "Trace" which traces the route of your connection from your local PC to the server the site is hosted on, and "Whois" which displays information about the owner of the website and domain registration information. These 3 options are powered by dnsstuff.com and whois.net.

The extension can be very helpful, especially if the site has been cached by Google or Coral. The Whois information on the other hand may help you as well as they display the email address of the server administrator. You can for instance inform the admin about the site's unavailability.

Update: Please note that the extension has been uploaded to the Mozilla add-on repository in the meantime. Please check out Error Zilla Firefox Extension for a review and link.


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