Pandora The Music Genome Project

Martin Brinkmann
Apr 11, 2006
Updated • May 4, 2013
Music, Music and Video

Until now I've heard a lot about what the music service Pandora offers but I never happened to test the service myself. Well, I tried it today and have to say that the concept itself is fantastic. You enter a song name or artist that you like on the main page of the service, and it will use the information to create a playlist for you based on your input. It finds similar artists and songs based on that which in theory increases the chance that you like the music that it is recommended. It is also excellent for discovering new music this way.

So, if you enter The Beatles for instance you will be connected to a radio stream that plays music that plays Beatles music but also music by bands that sound a lot like the Beatles.

This will be most likely music from the same era, music that sounds a lot like the Beatles. This is a great way to find new artists and songs that you like. All that until now is done without registrations. If you register you will be able to save your custom music stations and even save songs to your favorites. They offer a free version which is based on ads that are displayed and a paid services that disables the ads. Even if you don't register, try it out, it's great.

Update: It seems that you may only listen to a few songs, after that you are see a prompt that asks you to register at the site.

Update 2: Pandora has limited access to users from the United States. Users from other countries receive a message that they can't use the service anymore.

There are however options available to bypass the restriction, check out Use HTTPS Everywhere To Unblock Pandora Radio or Access Pandora from outside the USA.

The service itself has not changed a lot in recent time. Apart from the requirement to register an account to continue listening to Pandora Radio after a few songs, it's ads that free users have to listen to from time to time.


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  1. kurt wismer said on April 11, 2006 at 8:45 pm

    ummm, how about a link for us to follow?

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