Windows 10 to ship this Summer

Martin Brinkmann
Mar 18, 2015
Updated • May 21, 2018
Windows, Windows 10

Who would have thought that? Microsoft announced a few moments ago that it will ship the company's new operating system Windows 10 this summer to 190 countries.

What this means is that Windows 10 will ship no later than August / beginning of September which is earlier than the expected October release date the company picked for Windows 7 and Windows 8.

The release date would ensure that the final version of the operating system is available before the end of the important back to school period.

Microsoft's Terry Myerson revealed only Summer as the release period but did not mention additional details about the planned launch date.

It is theoretically possible that Microsoft will launch Windows 10 as early as June 2015. Considering that this is just three months away from now, it is unlikely since the operating system has not hit release candidate status yet.

The most recent builds made available, either directly or through leaks, show that features are still added to the operating system and that others are fine-tuned which indicates that Microsoft is still working on the operating system and has not moved on to release candidate stage yet.

Users who installed the Windows 10 Technical Preview are still waiting for the next build to be released by Microsoft. Currently, updates are only available by installing a leaked copy of the operating system.

The company revealed Windows Hello today as well, a system for biometric authentication using face, iris or fingerprint to unlock Windows devices. Complementary to that is Microsoft Passport, a new technology to authenticate users on websites and in applications without passwords by authenticating users through the operating system.

When Windows 10 comes out, it will be offered as a free upgrade to users running Windows 7 or later machines with legitimate licenses. This offer is valid throughout the first year after release which means that systems can be updated in that time frame to the new version of Windows free of charge.

Some suggested that this meant that users who accepted the offer had to pay for the operating system after the first year but that is not the case.

The offer will undoubtedly boost the market share of the Windows 10 operating system quickly. It is very likely that the market share of Windows 8 will drop quickly as a consequence and that the offer puts a dent into Windows 7's dominating position as well.

There has been no word yet on a subscription-based operating system model and even if it will be introduced, it is likely that Microsoft will offer it as an option besides the current model.

Now You: Will you upgrade to Windows 10 when it comes out?

Windows 10 to ship this Summer
Article Name
Windows 10 to ship this Summer
Microsoft revealed that its newest operating system Windows 10 will ship this Summer which is earlier than the expected October release date.
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  1. XenoSilvano said on March 19, 2015 at 5:41 am

    Although I am happy that they intend on releases the OS earlier than previously announced (I am not as excited about this release as I was with Windows 8), I am worried, however, that it is going to be release before the OS has fully matured (as Windows os’ always typically are), it is only after a few updates that it really becomes usable without so many hindrances.

  2. Ron said on March 19, 2015 at 2:00 am

    I won’t be “upgrading” to Windows 10 (unless something major changes). I’m sticking with 7. And I intend to soon install Linux Mint so I can dual boot. Windows 7 may very well be the last version of Windows for me.

  3. Ron said on March 19, 2015 at 12:49 am

    Will I upgrade to Windows 10 when it comes out? Unless something major changes, no way, I’m sticking with 7. And will soon be installing Linux Mint so I can dual boot. Windows 7 may very well be my last version of Windows.

    1. Hy said on March 19, 2015 at 1:36 pm

      Amen! As it looks right now, I’ll probably run Win 7 Pro until support ends in 2020. Installed for the first time Mint Cinnamon 17.1 in VirtualBox, but unfortunately haven’t been very impressed with it compared to Win 7.

      Win 7 may be my last version of Windows, if there is a decent alternative. I hope Linux can improve by leaps and bounds in the next five years, or that something else comes along…

  4. DonGateley said on March 18, 2015 at 9:54 pm

    I wonder if there are any implications for the release of HoloLens which they have indicated is tied to the first releases of 10.

  5. Gonzo said on March 18, 2015 at 9:11 pm

    Next step, remove DRM from the consumer editions (reduce bloat and improve performance) in preparation for a proper x86 Windows smartphone?? Personally, I’m not really excited about Windows 10 on the desktop. It doesn’t seem to offer anything new that I care about. I view installing a new version of Windows as a chore and I like computers. I can’t see the average person caring at all. When/if I do upgrade it won’t be until at least 6 months after release.

    Today, my computer related hobbies revolve around embedded *nix. Small, cheap and versatile.

  6. RG said on March 18, 2015 at 7:29 pm

    The reports around the web (as of 1 hour ago) say the genuine and non genuine free upgrade for 7 and 8 users will be world wide, not China only. Strange. I am sure there are “business” and other reasons but it is strange to me nonetheless.

  7. Leandro said on March 18, 2015 at 6:58 pm

    I have a machine with Intel Core 2 Duo / 4GB Dual channel DDR2. (kind old)
    Windows 7 x64 run very smooth and fast on it.
    Will Windows 10 run on it?

    Is x86 finally left behind or will it be released in both plataforms x86 and x64?

    1. Andrew said on March 18, 2015 at 7:24 pm

      Windows 10 should run fine on it if not better because of the optimizations they did in windows 8.

      1. Leandro said on March 18, 2015 at 11:07 pm

        That’s very good news :D

  8. PhoenyVirus said on March 18, 2015 at 6:32 pm

    Truly nice of them to let us use a Kinect to login, considering it been on the market for more then three years. There’s noting intimidating about Windows 10 because it’s noting more then a app laying on top of Windows 7 minimize the core change to the kernel witch is version 10 now I believe.

    Thanks for the Preview Martin

  9. Jeff said on March 18, 2015 at 5:29 pm

    Doesn’t surprise me that it’s coming out that quickly.

    It’s really just Windows 8.2 ;-)

  10. Andrew said on March 18, 2015 at 5:03 pm

    Oh boy I can’t wait… Not sure when the last time I was this excited for a new OS, free upgrade helps to the excitement too…

  11. chesscanoe said on March 18, 2015 at 1:27 pm

    I like wallpaper and icons that are artistically and visually relevant to the application. A colored boring box representing an application is not my idea of user friendly. Will my preference be an option in Windows 10?

  12. YB said on March 18, 2015 at 11:24 am

    I think Windows 10 will be a great success for Microsoft. The simple fact that people got their precious Start Menu back basically still allow it to outsell Windows 8 and maintain the marketshare over Windows 7

  13. ilev said on March 18, 2015 at 10:38 am

    “When Windows 10 comes out, it will be offered as a free upgrade to users running Windows 7 or later machines with legitimate licenses.”

    Windows 10 will be free to users with Pirated versions a well.

    ..Microsoft Corp is making its biggest push into the heavily pirated Chinese consumer computing market this summer by offering free upgrades to Windows 10 to all Windows users, regardless of whether they are running genuine copies of the software…

    1. PÃ¥l Belenus Solberg said on March 18, 2015 at 4:43 pm

      Given the collusion between Microsoft and the NSA to spy on all-and-sundry I would strongly dissuade everyone to keep well clear from any pirated versions of windows you never know whether they might come bundled with a special surprise from the NSA.

    2. Nebulus said on March 18, 2015 at 11:15 am

      This seems to be for China only.

      1. ilev said on March 19, 2015 at 6:47 am

        No. For everyone.

        Most of Chinese use XP which can’t be directly upgraded.
        Windows 8 is boycotted in China by the Chinese government and so will Windows 10.

  14. Pd said on March 18, 2015 at 7:26 am

    The world has two hemispheres.
    A season is three months.
    This is hardly meaningful.
    Just nominate a month or two!
    190 countries?
    A lot of those are South of the equator!
    The interweb is WORLD WIDE!
    Can we all please stop being so ignorant and arrogant as to assume everything happens North of the equator?

    1. JohnMWhite said on March 19, 2015 at 12:44 am

      For Microsoft, it is summer. That’s why Microsoft are saying summer, because to them, the time they plan to release it will be what they refer to as summer. That’s it.

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