Ladybug Revives Classic Gaming with Blade Chimera Launch

Ladybug has launched Blade Chimera on Steam, a new title that pays homage to classic ’90s platformers and action-adventure games

Agencies Ghacks
Jan 27, 2025

In a nostalgic nod to the golden era of classic gaming, developer Ladybug has released its latest title, Blade Chimera, on Steam. This new venture, available since January 16, 2024, blends elements reminiscent of engaging platformers and action-adventure games from the '90s, particularly drawing inspiration from Konami's iconic Symphony of the Night.

Previously known for their work on Touhou Luna Nights and Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth, Ladybug continues to establish itself as a studio adept at capturing the essence of beloved classics. Blade Chimera's protagonist is a demon hunter, echoing the heroic lineage of Castlevania's Belmont clan, and brings with him a unique set of abilities that elevate gameplay. Players will find that the protagonist's sword serves multiple purposes, transforming into a powerful shield and a source of vitality when health runs low—a mechanic that enhances the metroidvania experience.

Visuals in Blade Chimera are crafted with meticulous pixel art, evoking the same charm seen in beloved Konami titles. The tribute doesn't stop at aesthetics; the gameplay mechanics are designed to challenge players to master new skills, reminiscent of the exploration found in Symphony of the Night. As players progress, they'll encounter locked areas that require special abilities to access, ensuring an engaging adventure that rewards persistence.

Blade Chimera is currently available for a promotional price of €17.55, an accessible offering for gamers eager to relive the thrill of '90s platformers. With its engaging gameplay and nostalgic undertones, this title promises to resonate with fans of retro gaming while drawing new players into its captivating world. As Ladybug continues to hone its craft, there’s a sense of excitement about what they might create next, given their track record of honoring the legacy of classic video games.


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  1. Guest said on January 29, 2025 at 10:44 pm

    Ghacks… why can’t I pinch zoom on mobile on this site? It’s rather annoying, I want to be able to zoom in on images etc.

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