Why Settle for Two Arms When You Could Have Four? Scientists Explore Robotic Appendages

Helena Bosnjak
Mar 5, 2023

It’s not a title for an SF novel. Thanks to the progress in robotics, scientists have been exploring how it would be if we have, let’s say, four arms instead of four. Even though it might be disputable from the ethical point of view, it’d be interesting to see how it’d function. Imagine you need to do some chores, and you demand your robotic arms to iron your clothes while you read a book or play a game! 

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From Artificial Prosthetic Limbs to Robotic Appendages

Inspired by many SF novels, movies, and games, scientists have recently started exploring robotic appendages, i.e., how it would be to have additional limbs, like arms, tails, tentacles, or similar, not just as artificial prosthetic limbs. Maybe scientists have their own reasons why they are working on such animal robotic parts that can be attached to a human body. 

Some robotic appendages scientists that have developed include a robotic tail, a self-healing robotic finger with living skin, and Raspberry Pi-powered exoskeleton, which makes walking faster and easier. Now it’s time to look at the potential advantages and disadvantages of robotic appendages.

Advantages of Robotic Appendages

We’ve seen that robotic prosthetic limbs help those people who lost their limbs, no matter the reason. Scientists have been exploring what are other possible options for use of these appendages in our daily lives. 

So, they claim that it’ll help people at work. There are numerous instances where such appendages would be treated as advantageous. For example, waiters would be able to carry more trays, and thus serve more customers at once. Also, imagine construction workers doing their job faster and more effectively.

Moreover, humans would finish their household chores faster and easier with a pair of additional hands by their side. It would facilitate cooking, cleaning, vacuuming, writing or typing, maybe driving your car while you type. We could think of more and more ways of such practical instances. However, another question arises here, and that is, what are the risks of robotic appendages in our daily routine?

Disadvantages of Robotic Appendages

Although it sounds funny and amusing, there are lots of things to consider in relation to these robotic appendages. Just one of the ethical questions raised here is whether we’re allowed to robotize human bodies just because we can. Not to mention what all possible misapplications of these robotic appendages are.

From the technological point of view, it’s questionable how it'll be controlled. Since it’s attached to our human body, it’s not regulated by our nervous systems, and any malfunction may probably lead to harm, not just to your body, but as well to your surroundings. 

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From Fiction to Reality

Robotic appendages are proof that scientists can create almost everything they imagine. Although it may frighten us that we’ll soon see four-armed humans, many things must first be discussed, especially how moral and legal it is. However, robotic appendages are reality, and it’s on us humans to use them for a good cause.


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  1. Jojo said on March 5, 2023 at 10:38 pm

    My clothes won’t fit!

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