Buy these games to support earthquake fund

Onur Demirkol
Mar 3, 2023
Games, Misc

Humble Bundle has prepared a new game bundle, and its proceeds will be shared with three nonprofit groups working for relief efforts in Türkiye and Syria. These groups are: Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children.

The devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria gathered many people together, and multiple aid campaigns are being held both within the two countries and also worldwide. To help people in need with medical supplies, food, or shelter, Humble Bundle has also started a new campaign. It is one of the favorite websites of many gamers with its affordable game packages, and this time, they will donate every penny for relief efforts.

Humble Bundle joins the relief efforts with a new game package for the earthquake happened in Türkiye and Syria.
Humble Bundle

HB's latest game bundle went live under the "Türkiye-Syria Earthquake Relief Bundle." The new bundle features over 70 items worth more than $1,000. Apart from mainstream games like Gotham Knights, Ghostrunner, Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Enhanced Plus Edition, XCOM 2, and PayDay 2, there are also a few video games developed by Turkish firms.

"The devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria have created an urgent humanitarian crisis. Hundreds of thousands of people are in immediate need of medical supplies, food, water, and shelter, and the road to recovery will continue to be extremely challenging for the people of the region. To lend a hand how we can, we’ve joined forces with game makers & book publishers for a bundle 100% dedicated to supporting Türkiye-Syria quake relief efforts," says the website.

Humble Bundle has quite a different system than traditional gaming markets. It sets a minimum amount for packages but also allows you to pay more if you wish. You must pay at least pay $30 to obtain the package; however, you are more than welcome to pay more than that. HB says the current top contributor paid $5,000 to buy the bundle, and the offer will continue for around six more days. All the income from this bundle will be distributed among three groups, Direct Relief, International Medical Corps, and Save the Children. If you want to contribute, you can visit the official Humble Bundle website and buy the bundle from there.


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