Windows 11 Fixer 2.0: new design, more options

Martin Brinkmann
Feb 28, 2022
Windows software

The first version of Windows 11 Fixer was released in December 2021 shortly after the official release of Windows 11. The developer of the application has released Windows 11 Fixer now, which comes with additional tweaking options and a new design.

windows 11 fixer

Windows 11 Fixer 2.0 comes as a large archive, and one of the main reasons why that is the case is the integration of .NET Core in the package. It is handy in case the required .NET Core version is not installed on the device, but blows the size up significantly.

You need elevated rights to run the program, and are asked to provide them if you launch the executable file from a regular user account on Windows 11 machines.

The main interface may look identical to the old on first glance. It uses the same color scheme and features that light and dark mode switch at the top right corner. Tabs have been added to the left side of the program window that lead to different groups of tweaks. The four tabs that are available in the 2.0 release are Fix Windows, Windows Settings, Uninstall MS Bloat, and Install Software.

Options are grouped on each page. Fix Windows, for example, displays six groups to modify taskbar, context menu, File Explorer, Start Menu and other areas of the operating system.

uninstall windows 11 apps

All options are listed with a name that describes it and switches or menus to change the state from the default "no change" to something else.

To give you a few examples:

  • Add Take Ownership to the right-click context menu.
  • Block Windows from searching online.
  • Disable Widgets.
  • Enable Compact View in File Explorer.
  • Change privacy settings, e.g., disable the personal inking and typing dictionary, or access to location services.
  • Remove pre-installed applications. The setting is divided into easy and hard to uninstall apps. You may use it to remote apps like Paint, Microsoft To Do, Microsoft Teams, or Skype from the operating system.
  • Install popular third-party applications, e.g., Firefox, Zoom, GIMP, Notepad++, or VLC.

Note that you need to hit the "apply" button on each page after making changes. Every change you make is reset when you leave the tab without hitting that button.


The update to version 2.0 improves Windows 11 Fixer significantly. It adds more options to the application that users may find useful. The lack of options, when compared to tweakers such as WinAero Tweaker or ThisIsWin11, was one point of criticism when I reviewed the first release version.

Other points of criticism still stand: the size is very large in comparison. Nice to have features, such as a universal undo or start-over option, or a search are not available either.

Now You: do you use tweak applications? Which is your favorite?

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Windows 11 Fixer 2.0
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  1. Anonymous said on March 1, 2022 at 5:43 am

    Don’t call me a conspiracy theorist but I believe people don’t actually like Windows. It remains widespread because of its monopoly on key applications, that also have a monopoly in their markets. Without applications there isn’t really any reason to use Windows, it’s a horrible OS.

    1. Marinasoft said on March 1, 2022 at 10:13 am

      Spot On! So many great programs from very skilled devs. are still having users hang on it. But windo$hit is only kept alive by corporate on for the smooth fusion with their AI and cloud BS.

  2. ULBoom said on February 28, 2022 at 4:57 pm

    winaerotweaker. Nice for appearance enhancements; smaller title bars, colored background window title bars, removal of Explorer junk, etc.

    These utilities are excellent ways to make lots of changes quickly.

  3. ironic monkey said on February 28, 2022 at 4:23 pm

    Its hilariously ironic this tool has to exist.

    1. Anonymous said on February 28, 2022 at 11:29 pm

      Windows 11 is a joke itself. We need ton of tools to make it usable. Microsoft is run by idiots who never used Windows before.

    2. Anonymous said on February 28, 2022 at 7:48 pm

      Obviously not enough users to push MS into taking serious notice.

  4. John G. said on February 28, 2022 at 4:20 pm

    Not bad, it has a lot of interesting options, however I can’t live without Valinet’s Explorer Patcher, it makes W11 an OS. Unfortunately, W11 out of the box is a joke for productivity. Thanks @Martin! :]

  5. Yuliya said on February 28, 2022 at 3:12 pm

    All this to achieve a system less functional than LTSC out-of-the-box.

    1. Dumbledalf said on February 28, 2022 at 6:56 pm

      In fact it’s just to get something close to the older versions of Windows like XP, Vista and 7, which worked out of the box and did not need 3rd party tools to return them back to normalcy.

      It’s going to get even worse from this point on.

      Maybe in the future Microsoft will decide that they will want to make windows non-resizable and non-movable so people will have to invent 3rd party tools to return these basic features back.

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