First Look at Vivaldi Browser's Command Chains feature
Vivaldi Technologies is testing a new feature called Command Chains currently in the Vivaldi Browser. Command Chains allow users to chain commands so that all of them are executed when invoked.
Sometimes, you may want to perform multiple actions in your browser of choice. A simple example is the opening of two or more websites, or deleting browsing history before closing the browser. While you can perform these one after the other, you may also use Command Chains for that, if you use Vivaldi.
Command Chains can be configured under Settings > Quick Commands > Command Chains.
You may configure as many as you want, and Vivaldi ships with three test chains that you may analyze to figure out how these work.
Click on the plus icon to create a custom chain. Type a descriptive name and start adding commands to it. Vivaldi's quick commands can be used for that. Quick Commands, for those who have never used them, can be executed from the Quick Commands overlay, which you invoke with a tap on the F2-key (or Ctrl-E).
The command fields support filtering; all you have to do is type part of the name of the command, e.g. open, and select one of the commands. You may also browse the entire listing without typing anything.
Additional information may be required depending on the command. If you select "open link in new tab", you need to specify the link that you want the command to open.
Click on the plus-icon to add more commands. Options to delay commands are available to delay the execution of the next command (using the sleep command).
Once you are done with the chain, select the "test chain" button to run the entire chain and see if it works correctly.
Chains can be executed from the quick commands menu. You may also assign keyboard shortcuts or mouse gestures to individual chains to execute them using these two options.
Closing Words
Command chaining is a powerful feature that enables you to run multiple commands quickly. It is a power user feature that needs to be set up before it can be used.
Vivaldi users who set up command chains may improve productivity doing so. Besides common tasks such as opening multiple sites or toggling fullscreen mode and reader mode, advanced tasks may be created that perform a dozen or more commands.
One of the preset chains opens multiple links, selects some of the opened tabs, stack the selection and tile them.
An option to map chains to a button that you can place in the toolbar could be useful as well, but is not available.
Command Chains are available in the latest Vivaldi development build. The next stable release will include the feature.
Now You: would you use command chains if it would be introduced in your browser?
The disparaging comments here are beyond ridiculous. Do the detractors even understand that all this extra functionality *is* Vivaldi’s main selling point? Their target audience is precisely those power users comprising that 0.01% who want all those little tweaks and options and multiple commands etc… Get a life (and use another browser if you want).
My regular browser is Firefox ESR,
but I also use Brave and Iridium frequently.
The other browsers are mainly used for skill ability maintenance and testing.
Vivaldi is,
“Their target audience is precisely those power users comprising that 0.01% …”.
I don’t think that’s true.
The CEO made it clear that they would provide a browser that could at least achieve a profitable base (10 million users).
However, it has been at a standstill since its release, with just over 2 million users.
The Japanese CEO is also struggling with this reality, calling for people to promote the browser to their friends and around you.
In response, existing users posted opinions on the forum such as
“the browser is too niche”,
“bugs and other performance improvements neglected on the back burner, and only niche features that seem unnecessary are being added”,
and “people who quit are no longer interested”.
Foolishly, these posts have been moderated and deleted. In some cases, the forum accounts have also been blocked. In this current situation, existing users are leaving the Vivaldi one by one.
It’s not even close to being a niche, and moderating negative opinions will disillusion not only the “concerned” users, but also non-concerned users with Vivaldi.
Thanks for the comment. May I ask what browser you’re using now?
“Sometimes, you may want to perform multiple actions in your browser of choice”
How? how % of Vivaldi users want that? this sounds like another dumb feature being implemented while still ignoring the fact that Vivaldi has the slowest UI on any chromium browser because it is not native, it is garbage html+css so your websites will run pretty much in an iframe. Let’s not forget also how close source the UI is anyway, so you only know what it is about but you don’t know what else is doing after that.
I mean, I bet like 0.001% of people might want to “perform multiple actions” so it sounds like Vivaldi Team is clueless how to implement features when most users will ignore and there is no real statistic or anything to prioritize their features implementation.
I mean, how many users Vivaldi has? and then how many of them will force themselves to use this features at least once the first 3 days of released and then forget about it?
All I know is they build their browser in a very strange way and other more important features are forgotten and never fixed it or improved, the best example is their horrible adblocker and how it is just the basic crap that will barely do anything and protect you from any real danger on the internet, I can also speak about how they say “we don’t collect your information” but don’t do anything for Google to collect it based on the chromium code that I am sure they never removed or at least try to do something so google won’t have a way to track you.
I’ve been testing this feature for a while now and absolutely love it. A few examples I use daily:
“Watch Netflix” (or hulu or HBO or whatever is your jam)
Open in current tab “”, Toggle UI (Optionally you could go full screen if you wanted)
Read this: “Toggle UI”, “Reader mode”
Close tabs of this domain: “Select related tabs”, “Close tab”
I’ve been testing this feature for a while now and absolutely love it. A few examples I use daily:
“Watch Netflix” (or hulu or HBO or whatever is your jam)
Open in current tab “”, Toggle UI (Optionally you could go full screen if you wanted)
Read this: “Toggle UI”, “Reader mode”
Close tabs of this domain: “Select related tabs”, “Close tab”
2 million users using your browser is really pathetic. Vivaldi should end development, it is not worth it. If Firefox (who has way more than 2 million users) is dead/dying, then Vivaldi is also a dead browser.
Do you realize that the Vivaldi devs do not have to develop Chromium? They are a fork of Chromium and are continuously applying the upstream patches. Engine development is the most expensive part of developing a browser, and they don’t have to do it at all! They can focus on their unique feature set, and in order to be profitable, they don’t need tens of millions of users. It’s also self-explanatory that there is initial investment involved and that the company needs time to become profitable.
It’s a fine browser and doesn’t deserve the retarded comments.
@Iron Heart,
> the company needs time to become profitable.
How much time, in general?
Already, the Vivaldi has been “56940” hours (6.5 years).
Initial release April 6, 2016; 5 years ago
Technical Preview released on Jan 27, 2015
The CEO was optimistic about “getting 5 million users in the first 2 years after release, and to make it profitable (over 10 million users).”
More than enough years have passed, and the developers have no excuse.
In general terms, in the capitalist economic world, there are charged with balance of income and expenditure within two years. By that concept, the company would be branded a “business failure.
After all, you tend to make overly generous and lenient comments about Brave and Vivaldi, which are your favorites. Moreover, your actual experience with them is from a few years old, and you are shallow and blind to their realities.
Unfortunately, flattering as it may be, Vivaldi is not an “It’s a fine browser” and its user base in Japan continues to decline. This disregard for users (ignoring or rejecting voices such as “no one wants a niche” or “fix bugs and other issues first”, deleting posts, blocking accounts, etc.) is so glaring that existing users are leaving.
Your problem is that it adds a “meander” that could cause an uproar. You should concentrate on the topic and refrain from “wording” that is not true.
I replied to your comment because I have a problem with it, but I don’t want to ruin our topic with useless “pointless argument” with you, so I will ignore the discussion that is off-topic.
If you don’t want to have a “useless, pointless argument”, then why did you post a useless, pointless comment in the first place? Just a few points to address this total irrelevancy of a comment:
– Maybe Vivaldi Technologies overestimated the demand for a customizable browser. It’s entirely possible, but at the same time, 10 million users is not an impossible milestone to reach in the browser sphere, their goals seemed reasonable to me. We could speculate about mistakes that were made, e.g. the JS-heavy UI bogging down performance, or the lack of a privacy angle, the too-little-too-late Android release etc., but in the end, neither you nor I make the decisions of the company, and until it shuts down for economic reasons, I think we should approach the decision makers respectfully and not bash them, as long as they are not somehow anti-user in their actions. Speaking of which…
– … I don’t think that I am particularly lenient towards Vivaldi or Brave. The fact of the matter is, neither company have yet embarked on anti-user action, and until such time, why would I bash them? Why would YOU bash them? Makes no sense to me. See, there are projects I don’t respect, like Mozilla (totalitarian calls for censorship, questionable use of donations, advertising privacy while offering a product that provides none by default etc.) or Opera (shady spyware, alleged predatory loan business in Africa), but for this lack of respect I have the aforementioned reasons.
– I didn’t say that their handling of strong criticism is defensible, but at the same time, some people destructively bashing the product on their forums and then getting banned is likely not the reason for a lack of adoption. Would I have handled this differently? Yes. Is it related to the discussion at hand? No.
– Last but not least, I said that Vivaldi is a fine browser (fine = good, OK to use). I didn’t call it “great” or “fantastic”, I said “fine”, as in, doesn’t spy on users and isn’t blatantly opposed to user interest.
@owl, perhaps you have some axe to grind, I don’t know, but please, don’t molest my comments with your pettiness. Vivaldi’s lack of adoption is certainly a valid point that warrants discussion, but you are just smearing them in the following sentences for no apparent reasons. Just respect other people’s choices unless there is a hard, provable reason not to do so.
@Iron Heart,
Hmm, what can I say?
As usual, there is a discrepancy in communication with you.
I wasn’t commenting on the browser discussion or Vivaldi, I was “replying” to your comment.
I don’t know if you’re being overly sensitive or if you’re misunderstanding or perverting, but this is not a comment on this topic (article or COMMENTS).
Furthermore, I’ve already stopped using Vivaldi and have no intention of doing a review on Vivaldi (I don’t know what’s going on with Vivaldi now, and have no intention of trying about the subject).
Simply, Your comment was inappropriate, and I was just pointing out “the part” specifically. Please don’t take the liberty of associating it with the browser discussion.
Again, Let me be clear,
I was just pointing out to you
> the company needs time to become profitable.
This is about “time” in
And it’s limited to “It’s a fine browser”.
However, for some reason, you seem to “derail” the discussion by tying it to browser talk.
In any case, I was just “pointing out the inappropriate wording” to you. Please look at the sentence calmly.
You seem to have described “Time” or “It’s a fine browser” at ease, but others will definitely “misunderstand” it. At the very least, you need to be “careful” in your writing so that no one will misunderstand what you are saying.
Are we done here? I didn’t ask you to respond to me, and to be honest, I would prefer it if you would no longer spam my comments with nonsense like this:
Me: “It’s a fine browser.”
owl: “Nah, it ain’t fine, in Japan, its usage is going down!!!”
Me: “They are not anti-user, hence me saying it is fine to use. What do you even want to hear from me?”
owl: “Don’t make this about daa browsaaaaas!”
Like, seriously? What kind of conversation is that? If you have an axe to grind, grind it elsewhere, and try to contribute something useful and coherent in the future that is not just whining. You don’t see me spam your comments (in which you strongly promote Deplatformingfox) with whining just because I don’t agree with you. Jeez, give it a rest and move on…
@Iron Heart,
It may not mean to you, but It’s a symbolic speech and behavior that’s consistent from your past, and I cannot overlook this for the sake of future.
Communication is all about “what you want to say to others” and at the same time “listening to others’ opinions sincerely.
You are always “frank and commenting your point” one way or the other, with no consideration for how others will “receive it”.
So many of your comments “go up in flames”.
You always shift the blame for the flames to the “other party” and never admit fault, but objectively, “your stubbornness (obstinacy)” is the reason you cannot put an end to the flames.
You said in your reply to me that “It’s a fine browser” means “Good”. But if you hadn’t answered that way, everyone would have taken it as “splendid, respectable, magnificent”.
It doesn’t matter how you express yourself, but if your intended meaning is not conveyed correctly to others, unintended ripples or turmoil will occur.
I am pointing that out to you.
Since you are a regular commentator on “gHacks”, you should refrain from using easy expressions that may cause misunderstanding.
“What do you even want to hear from me?”,
No, I’m just saying you should be “Discipline yourself”.
2 million less not using trash like Chrome is a win.
Until they make it official portable – have no interest!
What do you mean? Vivaldi is portable.
Please get rid of the black background and white fonts. It is not a good presentation for headers. Thanks.
Examples would really improve the article.