Thunderbird 78.3.2 update is out

Thunderbird 78.3.2 has been released on October 7, 2020. The new minor update for the browser includes several non-security fixes as well as a change in the updating behavior of the desktop email client. Thunderbird 78.3.1 was released on September 26, 2020.
The email client's automatic update functionality should pick up the new version right away, but you can run a manual check by selecting Help > About Thunderbird from the menu. If the menubar is not shown, use the Alt-key to display it temporarily. Thunderbird displays the installed version and will query internet servers to retrieve updates.
The developers list a single change and several fixes in the official release notes. The change affects the email client's updating behavior:
Thunderbird will no longer automatically install updates when Preferences tab is opened
It is not a major change, but Thunderbird will postpone the installation of updates for as long as the user has the preferences of the program open. One explanation for the change is that the developers want to give users as much time as needed when using the preferences of the client without disrupting the process.
The release notes list six fixes in total, some of them specific to the Windows operating system. The new version of Thunderbird improves the client's dark mode, high contrast and theme functionality on Windows. The developers addressed a Windows-specific issue that caused the installer to be unreadable if the operating system was in high contrast mode.
Thunderbird 78.3.2 fixes improves the built-in OpenPGP feature further. The new version has improved support for encrypting with subkeys and fixes a display issue that affected encrypted messages with international characters.
The fifth fix restores the address book search functionality, as searching address book lists did not yield any results in the previous version of the email client.
Last but not least, middle-click deletions of recipients has been restored. It is now once again possible to click on any recipient listed in the TO, CC or BCC fields to have them removed immediately.
The developers list a single known issue, and it is not new as it affected previous versions of Thunderbird as well. When Thunderbird is started, the message list is not focused.
Now You: are you using Thunderbird or another email client / service?

@John C.
Thunderbird, but good:
Oh, NOthing from that paranoid dev. calling that Linux is for communists and serving with the other werewolf dev. virus infected years old moozilla code browser from their compromised Windows servers!
Sorry, but you can hardly hold Tobin responsible for the server breach, for two reasons:
1) He didn’t own the server.
2) Maintenance of the server was Moonchild’s responsibility.
You can blame Moonchild for what happened, putting the blame on Tobin will be hard to do in this case. I don’t know his opinions about Linux and frankly don’t care, though he seems inconsistent in them, as Interlink is also being released for Linux.
As for his attitude shown in the forums, I know of it, I disapprove of it, but frankly in the end I don’t care (I don’t have an account on the Pale Moon forums). I only care about software that works, and Interlink works.
I am glad to see Tobin’s infinitely insufferable personality precedes him. I must agree though that despite this Interlink is a pretty solid mail client. Never had issues with it. Tobin has kept me away from the Pale Moon forum too – though I sometimes visit the palemoon subreddit dedicated to the hatred of Tobin and visited by Matt Tobin frequently cause how could he resist putting an end to all the doubts of his unattractive personality by confirming it. I am half expecting his rotund self to show up here and start arguing with everyone including those on his side. Yeah that server infection was a mess but it’s been a while and it has been fine since then. I mainly use Brave these days but Pale Meme is pretty good too, not gonna lie, wish more extension developers actively supported it as they would not be treated as badly as at Mozilla though they might have to learn to live with Tobin without losing their patience entirely.
@Iron Heart
I liked Fossamail but unfortunately it was discontinued. Maybe I don’t install Interlink yet but I try to remember this alternative.
Binary Outcast Projects
Discontinuation (formal, because dev kept releasing it but without any guarantees, release notes, anything, for some time – dont know if its still on) is a sad thing, but isn’t it sth you have to cope with when using free software made by one person or a small group of volounteers? Interlink is the same thing in my opinion, it may disappear one day just like that. The good thing is that it’s all thunderbird, and then you can carry on your profile to another application. That is what I’ve been doing from the begining of TB, then fossamail, now again TB.
@Iron Heart – Matt Tobin, is that you? :)
No, no. They are different persons. :)
> @Iron Heart – Matt Tobin, is that you? :)
God forbid, no! Don’t create nightmares for me!
I have to agree with what @Jody Thornton said, think of the guy what you will, his software does seem solid. I only care about the latter aspect.
More like SeaMonkey Mail as a detached product. as much as I loathe all things Matty Tobin, ?His products do seem sound.
Checked out the link. How long has that lovely been around? I’m thinking of switching.
It is not a question of how much this application is long has that been around, but more important is the question of how much this application will be present and supported in the future!
It was a question but not anymore and now you have a new question. So many questions.
First Release of Interlink was on December 6 2018 (version 52.9.6914).
According to its release notes, it exists since December 6th, 2018:
Interlink supports all add-ons compatible with Thunderbird 52. If any add-on that you use has dropped support for Thunderbird 52, an older version might work. Interlink is completely telemetry-free, which I appreciate.
It gets all applicable security fixes from more recent Firefox versions same as Pale Moon (Mozilla Security Patch Summary as part of the release notes):
Time to start looking for alternatives to Thunderbird. Forced updates, removed features. The developers have gone the route of their brother application, Firefox, and have made the program unusable for a lot of people like me.
I agree. My email works one day, then doesn’t the next. What a waste of time to spend trying to figure out the problem with the update.
This is not ready for business!
Thanks Martin for this articel. Like always your sooner with specifications about the update than Mozilla thunderbird
Do you get your update news from a outher Thunderbird page?
I have to get used to the fact that Thunderbird now has a auto update system installed. This because I am still installing it by hand before I open the client :-)
Many Linux distros aren’t at Thunderbird 78 yet, e.g.,
Ubuntu 18.04, or 20.04, and Manjaro.
This page shows the Thunderbird version for various Linux distributions.