Create random data with Randomizer

Randomizer is a free portable software program for the Windows operating system that you can use to generate random data.
While that is not something that you may need access to every day, it can be useful in certain situations nevertheless.
For instance, you can use the program to generate random numbers for the next lottery, use it to determine who goes first in games you play, or pick words at random that you want to know more about or translate into other languages.
Randomizer review
The portable program has no dependencies and can be run from any location. It displays the different random elements that it can generate in its interface on start.
The default selection displays a set of cards that the application can display to you. All you need to do is pick the number of cards and hit the randomize button for that.
The following data types are available besides that:
- Coin Flip displays either heads or tails.
- Color generates a random color based on red, green and blue start and end values you enter.
- Dice throws a select number of dice and displays their values (only D6).
- Number generates x numbers between a start and end value.
- Word selects a word randomly from a list of words that you have added to the app.
- List picks a list item from a list that you have added.
Randomizer works well and you will notice no delay between hitting the randomize button and the display of results in the program's interface.
Some elements seem to be more useful than others. While the coin toss option may be interesting, it is easy enough to use the number generator for that by setting the lower limit to 1 and the upper limit to 2.
Customization options are provided, but some could be better. For the dice rolling for instance, it would be great if you could use different types of dice and not only six-sided dice. I'd like to see an option to disable the animations when generating random results to speed things up, as they may be nice the first time you hit the randomize button but delay the display of the results.
Closing Words
Randomizer can be a useful software program if you need something to generate random data for you regularly. Since it is portable, it can be placed in any location and run from it whenever it is needed.
The author's website is down currently. You can download the program from Freeware Files instead.

I’ve been using the website for a few years to research poker hands, which has paid dividends!
This site supposedly uses highly chaotic weather-pattern data as it’s random number seeds.
You can set it to generate any sequence of random numbers you want, and then just keep hitting refresh, and it will keep generating that specific sequence of random numbers with each refresh.
I made a simple a batch file, that loads’s website, generating a FULL TABLE of poker hands, assuming a table of 10 players, with the flop, turn, river cards on the deck. Each time I hit the refresh button, it generates a new 10 player table. This allowed me to study patterns/trends, that appear in tens of thousands of hands, and has certainly given me a winning edge in performance!
This is the website btw:
The site works now. It contains also few other nice free programs. “File and Folder Tools” looks also interesting
Ty Martin
You are welcome, cheers from Tokyo :)
Thank you i Love gambling!
Lovely and interesting, thanks. Maybe the authors’ website also works in random days? (sorry, couldn’t resist)
Funny, wrote the review weeks ago, and it worked fine back then. It does appear to be back up though, so enjoy :)
Anything similar for us, Linux users?