How to enable the new Google+ design

Martin Brinkmann
Nov 18, 2015
Updated • Jan 4, 2018
Companies, Google

Google relaunched its social networking service Google+ on Tuesday by putting an emphasis on features that users of the service are interested in.

Google removed several features from Google+ in the recent past, the Photos application for instance which led to speculation that the company was about to give up on the project to establish a Facebook competitor.

That's however not the case apparently as Google decided to change the focus of Google+ instead.

The new Google+ puts "Communities and Collections front and center" according to Google as these are popular on the site.

Update: Google rolled out yet another design that changes things around. The method described below does not work anymore. You may switch back to the classic design currently by clicking on "back to classic Google+" in the lower left corner on Google Plus. This option will be removed eventually however according to Google.

classic google plus

The changes are rolled out gradually to all users of the service, as is the case with most updates of Google services and apps. Google+ users may see a beta test button on the website when they open it, and those who don't, can do the following to enable the new Google+ interface right away temporarily.

  1. Open the menu on Google+ and select Settings from it.
  2. Locate and click on "Manage Google+ Activity".
  3. Click on the search icon.
  4. Alternatively, open this page directly and run a search on it.

The new Google+ layout is activated when you do that, but it is not enabled permanently. While you can test the new features this way, you will need to go through the steps outlined above again in new sessions.

new google plus

The layout of the page has changed but what may weight more heavily is that some menu items seem to have been removed from the site completely.

The top menu, that enables you to filter your feed is gone for instance, and the main menu does not list hangouts, events and pages anymore.

A switch back is not really required right now as the change is only temporary, but you find it in the Settings as well:

  1. Load directly to open the Google+ Settings.
  2. Locate "can't find the setting you are looking for? Try switching to classic G+" and click on the link.
  3. Or, click on this link directly:

The only feature that I'm using regularly on Google+ are pages, and they seem to have been removed or not yet implemented. While you can still click on a page to open it, it opens the activity log currently instead of the page's home.

You can still visit the Google+ page however but it is displayed in the old design, not the new currently. (via Caschy)

Now You: What's your take on the changes?

How to enable the new Google+ design
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How to enable the new Google+ design
Find out how to sneak-peek the new Google+ design right now, and how to change back to classic Google+.
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  1. frd said on August 31, 2016 at 4:35 am

    I don’t like the new layout and want to keep using the old layout. how can I do so?

  2. Heimen Stoffels said on August 20, 2016 at 10:33 am

    It’s very strange. I do get the ‘Let’s Go!’ prompt in Chromium but not in other browsers. Is there a way to force getting the prompt in other browsers as well?

  3. RG said on November 18, 2015 at 8:37 pm

    Obligatory …. G+ is still a thing?


    1. Martin Brinkmann said on November 18, 2015 at 9:52 pm

      Well, some seem to like it and I think it is still important for webmasters (until Google cuts the connection here as well), but it is nowhere near as popular as Google hoped it would be.

  4. Maelish said on November 18, 2015 at 4:20 pm

    I don’t mind them trying another social experiment. But forcing everybody down the rabbit hole just isn’t cool. If they start that again, they’ll find another rebellion on their hands.

  5. Jeff said on November 18, 2015 at 4:08 pm

    Hey Martin. In your first sentence, “emphasize” should be “emphasis” :-)

    In regards to G+, my question is when are they going to finally break it away from Youtube? For months now, they’ve been saying that “soon” you will be able to comment on youtube without being forced to have a G+ account. That was stated back in June, and here in mid November you still have to use G+ to comment.

    1. Peter said on November 19, 2015 at 6:34 pm

      Yes I too would like to know since the only reason I have Google+ is because I currently have to if I want to create and add to my self created YT playlists. I have no interest in it otherwise. I’ve stopped commenting on YouTube (and indeed use a chrome extension to hide the same )since I have grown tired of all the asinine stuff you frequently find in the comments section but it would also be handy to have the option without needing G+ should I ever get the urge to again.

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