Infinit: send and receive files of any size

Things have gotten better in recent years when it comes to sending files to others. While it is still possible to store files on ftp servers or web servers, options such as cloud storage have become available as well.
Services like Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive offer storage space on the Internet that users can fill with data. Most services come with options to share files with other users as well.
Infinit is different and more in line with BitTorrent Sync than any of the aforementioned cloud storage services. One of the core differences is that it does not provide you with a set amount of storage space on the Internet.
After you have installed Infinit on your PC or Mac, you are asked to create an account. This is one of the requirements but only for the sender of files. Recipients don't need an account to receive files which is one of the core differences to BitTorrent Sync.
Infinit in detail
You are automatically signed in after the account creation process. Infinit runs in the background and you can bring its interface to the forefront with a click on its system tray icon on Windows.
There you see all transfers that others have initiated. It is up to you to accept or deny the transfer. File transfers are initiated with a click on the paper airplane icon in the interface or by right-clicking on the system tray icon and selecting the option from its context menu.
You can add as many files of any size as you like and add a message to the transfer if you want. If you want to transfer the files to a user, enter the username and suggestions are displayed to you immediately.
If the recipient is online and accepts the transfer, the data is transferred automatically from your computer to the recipient's system. If the recipient is not online, contents are encrypted and uploaded to the Infinit website instead. The recipient receives information about the new file the next time Infinit is started on a computer. Direct file transfers are always encrypted.
If the recipient does not have an account you have the option to send an email instead which contains the download link or create a link right away that you can share with others. You can use it to send the files to yourself, for instance on another device you need the data on.
Both lead to a page on the Infinit website where the files can be downloaded to the local system. Note that the address is created randomly but not protected in any way apart from that.
Closing Words
Infinit offers an easy way to send files to other recipients regardless of whether they are users of the service or not. It is possible to improve file security by encrypting the files before the transfer is started.

Infinit shut down its file transfer service.
Use Feem v4 instead (
Jan 8th 2016 I tried sending a file to myself, I tested my broadband speed getting 35Mg and 4Mg Upload stood with my phone right next to my router and a 40second video took over 5 minutes to send.So a 5 min video would take 45 min So if I was sending a 2 hour movie to someone not on the same WiFi etc they could drive to a shop buy the DVD come home, watch it, and I will be still needing another hour to upload it. Terrible length of time, not worth bothering about,the royal mail is faster considering I have to keep my connection open for half the day, a full battery would be flat long before then.
Some time ago I tried Infinit and didn’t like at all.
I would suggest two far better alternatives which offer direct downloads:
Orzeszek Transfer – free, portable, tiny, light, it acts as a simple server and the downloader doesn’t need anything more than a browser or a download manager to complete the transfer. No uploads- the files are downloaded directly from the host machine.
Kangee – also free but not portable, more sophisticated but it requires Java.
Both Orzeszek Transfer and Kangee are good but I prefer Orzeszek Transfer because of its portability, lightness and simplicity.
Of course my line is not maxed out Martin (old friend). Sorry, didn’t test the speed, just the amount of time. But unless this system (application) is faster than MEGA, filecloud, zippyshare, etc., etc., why use it?
Well, after installing this app and attempting to send a file (as a test) to a friend’s email, this small file (208mb) is taking forever to upload. Although the program indicates that everything is faster if the person to receive the file(s) also has registered and installed the app, this appears to be WAY TOO SLOW to be of much value.
I take it your line is not maxed out while uploading? What’s the speed that you get?
From the release notes:
“Welcome to the Infinit Pre-alpha. You’re about to take part in the next major step of a great adventure. We need you to help us make Infinit on Windows and Linux an unforgettable experience. Send us .gifs and videos. Let us know when you encounter bugs or crashes. And if there’s something that just doesn’t feel right, get in touch, because there’s always something we can do to make using Infinit easier.”
Pre-alpha. My God. Run away!!
If your brave.. No need to install. Simply extract installer with 7zip and run Infinit.exe.
I use dropbox periodically by switching on…it then “phones home… updates … then I switch off … rather than using option of leaving on all the time. so seems this service can be run that way too. That’s a plus. and email notification of files awaiting collection if you don’t use their software? am I reading that right?
It does seem as though the market for file transfer is becoming saturated.
Aside from a few interface bells and whistles, I imagine transfer speed, and the number of times a given link can be accessed will be the main difference between free and pro versions.
Me too. No background clients, thank you.
I have stopped reading after “After you have installed Infinit on your PC or Mac…”. Installed ?
Why does it matter if it’s installed or not? It’s a small program, its memory print when used should be very low, same with the space taken on your hard drive.
If it’s about privacy, that’s useless. In case of let’s say copyright infrigiment you can be found anyway, no matter if you have a program installed or simply using a web version like as an example.
So, there’s no downsize really regarding installed or not installed. The best thing about this program is that it uses peer to peer transfer between ‘clients’ making the whole thing faster than a regular web transfer service. Much like BitTorrent Sync which is also awesome. Again, that’s also another need to install program.
It does matter. Installed in Windows is like cancer sending tentacles all over the OS which you can’t get rid of once you want to uninstall. Every Windows app should be portable (like with OSX).
Seems it’s free – how they are going to keep service active and most of all: what about privacy? They most likely scan files
under the pretext of statistics…
It looks that they will launch a pro version eventually.
what if …
offline … goes to server
online … after receiver acknowledgement click? … file transfers
online … receiver away, busy, etc. hangs there ? … what happens? don’t switch off for hours or days or weeks till … receiver goes offline?
Well you need to be online anyway until the full file is sent. If you are online, the file is sent to the recipient directly. If the recipient is offline, you upload to the server of the company in encrypted form. If you are offline, nothing can be sent.
OK let me put it another way … what is the definition of “offline” here? i.e. what triggers upload to server?
How does Infinit recognize offline ? the amount of time the receiver takes to accept the transfer ? or something else ?
The scenario … You “send” the file, it’s late at night, you want to switch off your noisy fan pc beside your bed.
The person at the other end is busy (i.e. unable to click “accept” immediately – presumably this is an email). What happens? in limbo!
This doesn’t stack up. How does Infinit KNOW when there is an offline situation ???
(I can only guess there is a time limit between send requested and receive accepted. It would be crucial to know exactly what that would be !)
I used to use Opera Unite sort of like this. It was pretty convenient.
Too bad Opera never realised the full potential of Unite.
Gorgeous find, Martin! Thanks! :)